Do Our Decisions Affect Other People? | Teen Ink

Do Our Decisions Affect Other People?

January 27, 2016
By rickyv BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
rickyv BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People make decisions every day good or bad, but every decision affects other people.

like when it’s football season at my school we obviously need to practice everyday. Well some kids make the decision of not going to practice. Then later on that influences other kids into skipping practice as well. sooner or later the team is going to be losing every game just because those lazy kids don’t show up to work on their techniques and get better.

Also when kids decide to skip school and go do dumb things they influence others into skipping school too and messing up their futures.

Not all decisions are bad though, like if you try hard in school and set a good example, other kids will want to try hard too, then everyone will have good grades Also if you go to practice and motivate everyone, everyone will go to practice and start winning games.

so i think that decisions do affect other people whether they are good or bad.

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