Technology | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Did you know that technology can scar a teen for life? Or that it can help them be more open and express themselves more. Technology is a pretty even mix of good and bad things. The decision is up to you. Some parents give their teens too much freedom with technology and they may see or do bad things in or with it. Other parents stay so uptight with technology that their kids never learn how to become responsible with technology because their parents were too lenient with them. That is why there needs to be a balance of both, parents monitoring kids tech and the kids having the freedom they need to develop into responsible users.

Many people argue over whether technology is good or bad for teenagers and their friendships. Here is one bad thing that technology does. That is nudes of people on the internet and social media. Some kids can be scarred for along time from seeing those pictures. This could cause them to get into some very bad habits and them and their parents getting arrested if they watched child prnography. The child would go to a detention center and not make those deep connections to other people. That is one example of why technology is bad for teenagers and their friendships.

Some experts may argue that teenagers are losing their friendships because of technology. When actually in a lot of cases it can make or strengthen a friendship. Kids can stay more connected with their friends. After a long day at school they can come home and skype or video chat with their friends. This can help them to be more open and express their feelings more than if they did not have technology. Also if they have moved to a new area they can stay connected with their friends back at their old town. Those are some ways that technology is good for teenagers developing friendships.

Some experts may debate the topic of technology and teens. Here are some bad effects of technology. Teens spend an average of 44 hours on their phones per week. That is valuable time that they could be spending talking to people face to face. From this they are losing their social skills. When this happens they can not express themselves face to face very well. False friends are another bad thing from technology. They can bully teens and make them insociable. Those are some dangerous things using technology for teens and their friendships.
In conclusion, technology is a pretty even mix of good and bad things for teens and their relationships. It can scar a kid for a long time. It can also make a friendship stronger. It can make them lose their social skills, but it can also help teens to be more open and express themselves more. Parents also have to monitor their kids on technology for their safety. That is why technology is important, yet very serious so unless your teenager is mature and you are willing to monitor their activity using technology. So technology isn’t hurting teens it is the way they use it.

The author's comments:

I like to use technology, but it is overused sometimes

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 18 2016 at 3:36 pm
A very realistic article on the effects of technology on kids. It acknowledges that parents are responsible for their children's use of technology (many kids would not agree). A very mature response to the society issues with the use of technology. Awesome article.