Teens Driving | Teen Ink

Teens Driving

January 8, 2016
By ....._ BRONZE, Indianplios, Indiana
....._ BRONZE, Indianplios, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drivers should be 18 years or older because they are more responsible. They also pay more attention to what the speed limit says. Also they drive safer than teens and by teens I mean 15-17 which usually end up crashing more than older people.

Too many accidents happen among young drivers. “55% of teens have higher crash rates than other drivers which cause accidents”.(Naik et al.) Knowing that things like this happen feels like parents should put a limit to their child's by letting them ride the bus and not let young drivers drive if they don't know. To keep less accidents occurring and not having a bad day and thinking of what will happen to people’s lives.

Being drunk is the worst time to be driving. Especially if you have other people riding the same car with you. “Every 51 mins in America, someone is killed in a drunk crash. That equates to 27 people everyday.”(United States. Federal Highway Admini...) 27 people a day dieing from drunk driving. Too many people are dieing just because the driver drives drunk. Which make no sense at all to drive when you know that you won't be able to drive. In 2013 9,878 people were victims of drunk driving. Thinking over and over of  why people do this but yet don't notice how dangerous it is for them and the other people driving or walking.

Passing SPEED LIMIT something that teens like doing because they think they are old enough to be driving crazy and also because they supposedly know how to DRIVE. “16-19 were killed and 2,343,243 were treated in emergency department for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes”. (United States. Federal Highway Admini...) A whole bunch of beautiful life getting killed only for driving the way they want. Always think of other people life and yours and choose the right way to drive.

The first thing I have to tell you is that all of this is true but yet most people get their license at age 16. Alright true but not all the people pass the driving test. Which means Some of them don't pass and don't get their driving license but still drive which turns up to be a unknown driver that knows nothing at all. Have you ever heard of parents teaching their child's. YES but not all parents have time to be showing their children how to drive.


In Conclusion With the safety of your child's life, you as parents need to pay more attention on what your children are doing. You never know if it could be the last bye or maybe other families crying for their child being killed. Please teens drive safely or don't drive at all.



Works Cited

Naik, Puja Appasaheb et al. “Do Drivers with Epilepsy Have Higher Rates of Motor Vehicle Accidents than Those without Epilepsy?” Epilepsy & behavior: E&B 47 (2015): 111–114. Print.
Rubinstein, Robert L. “Someone to Lend a Helping Hand: Women Growing Old in Rural America.” American ethnologist 27.4 (2000): 987–998. Print.
United States. Federal Highway Administration, and Institute of Transportation Engineers. Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices: For Streets and Highways. Amer Assn of State Hwy, 2003. Print.

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