Death Penalty | Teen Ink

Death Penalty

June 3, 2015
By Allenusing8.1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Allenusing8.1 BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As we all know, the death penalty is the highest price a person can pay for a crime. Institutions all over the world use the death penalty as a means to punish criminals for their misdeeds while sending them away in a humane way. Though is the death penalty really necessary? Is it needed in today’s society? The death penalty is not only needed in today’s society, but is fundamentally wrong.

The first reason why the death penalty is not needed in the world’s society is because what is the need? Having the new institutions and programs that we have today, criminals can be reformed and helped. Take the Norwegian Prison and Justice System for example. As it states in many publications such as The New York Times, “Not only is there no death penalty in Norway; there are no life sentences.” and Business Insider, “Norway's incarceration rate just 75 per 100,000 people, compared to 707 people for every 100,000 people in the US.” The Norwegian Prison and Justice System has moved on to new methods of governing and rehabilitating prisoners so that they could lead better lives once their sentence is over. Not only do they believe that not everyone is truly horrible, but that the death penalty is ultimately wrong. And with this new system of incarceration, it eliminates the need for it.
Another reason why the death penalty is no longer necessary in today’s society is because not only institutions care about this matter. But the common people who lead civilian lives care as well. Presently in Nebraska, groups of people have collaborated together and formed a repeal on death penalty laws. In a passage in an AOL article… “Conservative Nebraska moved closer on Wednesday to abolishing the death penalty with lawmakers passing a repeal with enough votes to override an expected veto from the state's governor.” This just goes that not only do institutions and organizations care about this matter, but the people care this matter as well.

The final reason why the death penalty is wrong and no longer needed in today’s society. The last reason why the death penalty is no longer needed is because there have been articles in articles written in opposition to the death penalty. One such article posted on DPIC (Death Penalty Information Center) that stated… “A clear majority of voters (61%) would choose a punishment other than the death penalty for murder, including life with no parole.”  Little by little the people are thinking of the basic rights to a human’s happiness, interest, and overall right to life. The article also goes on to state factual information and statistics on the general public opinion of the death penalty.

Still, even though the death penalty may no longer be needed in the modern age. This means of executing individuals still exists today. This is why people need to come together in their communities and come up with solutions to solve this problem. People deserve to have a second chance, no matter horrendous the crime or misdeed. These are the reasons of why the death penalty is wrong and not necessary in today’s society.

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