Why Laughing Is Important | Teen Ink

Why Laughing Is Important

May 7, 2015
By alondra09 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
alondra09 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life is like a box of chocolate you never now what your gonna get"

Most people laugh and smile. Everywhere you go you see people laughing. But is laughing important? Yes you can get in trouble for laughing but I believe that laughing is important.

Laughing is important because it can make people around you feel good. Imagine at one moment that you’re best friend called you crying because she broke up with his boyfriend. To try to cheer her up you try to make her laugh but nothing works. Then you get an idea. By making her remember all of those fun times y’all headed together.

Laughing is also important because it can show you’re personality for example I have a friend that laughs and she now that she can get in trouble but by laughing it shows how she is for real. Laughing is not a bad thing it a really big thing in personality.

Many people may not agree that laughing is important. There are many things that laughing can do to use. Laughing is one of the most important things in life

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