Mistakes | Teen Ink


April 23, 2015
By Allie17 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Allie17 BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"you make a life by what you get but you make a living by what you give."

Mistakes are going to happen. They are a part of life and learning what’s not socially acceptable. There is always a choice when making a mistake, you can either make a choice that will benefit you right away or make a choice that at best would be a mistake that might help teach you what not to do in the future.   Knowing we can’t predict the future, for what may be a mistake now but might be a great decision in the future, we just have to think what will benefit us now and help life become the way we want it too in the future.

Nobody is perfect. Humans are supposed to make mistakes. That’s our nature, if we didn’t make mistakes we would have less knowledge and perspective and be boring like walking zombies.  At times, when making a big decision you might think that you have a devil on one shoulder telling you to make the mistake and an angel on the other telling you not to.  Since humans are not perfect, obviously we are going to make a wrong decision every once and a while.  What we need to learn from the mistake, is that it didn’t benefit us in the end and to put that into our brain so we won’t do it again.  Although big mistakes usually are the ones people get mad about, the small ones can have an even greater impact on your life in the end.

Small mistakes may come off as not that important but what we don’t usually see I that those small one add up to major ones. If you forget to pay your car payment it may seem like a small number each  month but soon it will add up to something worse than just a few hundred dollars.  What I’m trying to say, is that small mistakes may be small, but you should still learn a great deal from them.  Learning from the small mistakes will teach you more about yourself and what you need to focus on to not make an even bigger mistake in the future.  In order for you to not make as many mistakes you have to learn from the ones that you have already made.

I believe that most people tend to make most of their mistakes in their life as teens. They are naive and oblivious to anything bad in this world.  Most teens are so blind because of their inexperience with relationships and what worrying about what everyone around them thinks of one another. While in the meantime life keeps moving and they are still learning what to do in life and how much it’s going to take to get there.  Sometimes it may feel like the world is out to get you, and we can’t do anything right, but what we need to understand is that it’s only getting us more experienced in what it will be like in the real world.  So as we think that we aren’t going to make it, life keeps moving forward and what we learned so far from  mistakes should come to be part of our intelligence and help us in the future.   So as hard times come in some people will give up and get lost on a path of tragedy and disappointment. While others will use what they have learned from the past to use in the present and choose to keep pushing through the hard times and become strong independent human beings.

One of the biggest mistakes that young people make is in using drugs or alcohol.  When people get off the path of self-preservation and go towards drugs or alcohol, it is usually due to a lack of experience and most teens are oblivious to the danger it could bring.  That’s the biggest mistakes there is, giving up your life for drugs or alcohol is not going to get you anywhere and it will surely not lead to success. What I think is when more people habitually use drugs and alcohol, they are practically throwing their lives into a trash can.  But at the same time I think that there is always a way to get back on the right track, people just have to convince themselves that they are making a mistake and fix that mistake, but that is often easier said than done.

Mistakes are always going to happen you can’t stop all of them.  But with thought and experience, you can always prevent most and less serious ones from happening. I know that most people when they make a mistake get all moody and give up, but it is not the end of the world.  Life is all about learning.  Making mistakes is what you have to do in order to do so.

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