Aid for Veterans | Teen Ink

Aid for Veterans

April 27, 2015
By LallyCK BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
LallyCK BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Veterans of all generations have been through a lot. That is an understatement to say the least. They have been through more than any of us have ever been through to stop those trying to harm us, and bring peace to dangerous places. Even though some can never be repaid, those who are still with us should get aid whether it is at the grocery store, at the hospital, or just trying to get a job. Veterans who have lost limbs of have other injuries should be prioritized over those who are able to work but can’t find a job. It is hard enough to come back from a warzone and spend months finding a job, all whilst attempting to return to the ordinary life of the average person. Depending on the job, a disabled veteran job applicant should be prioritized. Veterans should also have decreased medical costs, and especially if they are wounded in action. Returning vets should have decreased food prices or something to make sure get they get the help they need to get back on their feet. Each of these suggestions is a veteran’s choice. They are not forced into these scenarios, but we need to focus on who actually needs the help in this country, and veterans are one of these groups. Whenever somebody sees a veteran, there are untold stories about the horror or the good things soldiers did on foreign battlefields. We need to make sure that every veteran is repaid for the battles they fought for us. These offers may not be the perfect solution, they are just a few of the many things us as Americans should provide for our heroes when they return from the battlefield.

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