That is Not Natural, God is Ashamed | Teen Ink

That is Not Natural, God is Ashamed

April 21, 2015
By Anonymous

Same-sex marriage is one of the most talked about and controversial topics in the United States.  Globally, same-sex marriage can be seen as far back as ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica with, of course, mainly negative opinions towards the allowance (“Same-Sex Unions throughout Time a History of Gay Marriage” par 2).  The same can be said about the United States, which has extreme views on individual freedom and equality for all, with the first state banning same-sex marriage in 1973 and many others following suit (“History and Timeline of the Freedom to Marry in the United States” par 2-3).  Today, from all the states which have banned same-sex marriage, the majority of America is glad to say 34 states currently ban homosexual marriage because of its untraditional nature and non-religious implications (“Timeline of Gay Marriage in the United States” par 1).  

The image of marriage in the United States has always been of one man and one woman.  In this society, the traditional meaning of marriage is a bond between two people who love each other, so of course two people of the same sex cannot love each other because it is not tradition.  This is a country which refuses to break from tradition, which can be seen in history with equal rights for African Americans, allowing women the right to vote, and the Declaration of Independence.  Also, allowing homosexual marriage will break from tradition because it will monstrously affect the children of these couples.  Children need both a mother and a father.  Children with only mothers or only fathers will not be able to strive in society because they did not have a traditional upbringing.  The children of same-sex couples can be compared to the children of single parents.  Children with only one parent never strive in society.  They never become famous lawyers, Olympic gold medalist, or the president of the United States; therefore, children with two parents of the same-sex will never be able to achieve magnificent accomplishments as well (“Famous Children of Single Parents” par 3-5).  Same-sex marriage simply goes against nature.  Many world leaders have believed this as well, such as the leader who implicated such powerful changes and influences to his country, Adolf Hitler.  During Nazi Germany, under the German Penal Code, all those who participated in homosexual acts were arrested for “committing acts against nature” (PompeyNaziWatch).  The United States should be glad to know it shares the viewpoint of a true, world leader.

Another significant reason many Americans do not believe in homosexual marriage is because it goes against religion.  The bible states marriage is between man and woman (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal” par 33).  Whether or not individuals believe in this religious view or not, there are marriages under the law as well, which has no religious implications.  This is when the topic of America having an extreme view towards equality and freedom for all should be thrown into the conversation.  If only there was a guideline for the United States written to protect all Americans’ rights with equality and individual freedoms.  The United States is sharing the views of Pat Robertson, a televangelist, right-winged, conservative Christian.  This quiet man has said people who advocate for same-sex marriage are “terrorists, radicals, and they are extremists” (Secular Talk).  As a side note, Robertson also blames Haiti’s pact with the devil for their massive, 2010 earthquake, believes Horoscopes are Demonic, and has said it is alright for men to change religion for the purpose of beating their wives.  America should be proud to agree with such an over-the-top man and statement.

The majority of Americans believe same-sex marriage should be illegal.  Of course, beliefs can sometimes be altered.  For example, centuries ago the majority of Americans believed slavery was okay, which must mean Americans still do.  Oh wait, no American believes this anymore, but they used to.  Understanding and reason is what changed these peoples’ perspectives.  The rights of homosexuals need to be recognized, just as it they were for the slaves.  The United States is big on equality and freedom for all its citizens.  The belief of same-sex marriage being against traditional nature and religion is only that: beliefs.  Under the morals this country was built from, homosexuals should receive the same rights as all other citizens.  The United States does support individual freedom and does support equality for all, and does support freedom of religion.  The rights of all, including the right to marry for homosexuals, must be respected.

Works Cited
“Famous Children of Single Parents.” Web. 8 February 2015.

“History and Timeline of the Freedom to Marry in the United States.” 6 October 2014.  Web. 7 December 2014.

PompeyNaziWatch. “Nazi Holocaust The Forgotten Gay Victims.” Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube, 1 December 2011. Web. 14 February 2015.

“Same-Sex Unions throughout Time a History of Gay Marriage.” 2011.  Web. 8 February 2015.

Secular Talk. “Pat Robertson: LGBT Advocates Are Terrorists.” Online Video Clip. Youtube. Youtube, 22 October 2014. Web. 14 February 2015.

“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?” 26 November 2014. Web. 3 December 2014.

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