Overrun Prison Systems | Teen Ink

Overrun Prison Systems

January 13, 2015
By jon-Grabbe BRONZE, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Alaska
jon-Grabbe BRONZE, Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The prison systems in the United States are becoming overcrowded and we are and way beyond their maximum holding capacity of prisoners, prisons in Nebraska are at 155% holding capacity.  If you were to take all the prisoners in the world the U.S would own 25% of them.  This problem has gotten so bad that prisons are forced to make makeshift holding areas for prisoners to stay.  They are going to have to make more and more prisons or find a better and less costly way to punish our criminals and it would be in most people’s interests to only keep people in prison that absolutely need to be there, as in extremely violent individuals and rapists who are unsafe to be with the rest of the population.  Oh yeah that’s another thing a lot of money goes into prison.  Millions and millions  It seems as though this country has gone prison crazy, there needs to be shorter sentences for petty crimes or no sentences for certain crimes at all.  If you shortened the prison sentences for people who committed less significant crimes such as drug possession, it would result in less money being poured in the prison systems and help with the overpopulation of the prisons themselves.

Overall our prison are being drastically overloaded with new prisoners and we are getting to the point where we have to do something about it or else violent offenders will be let out into society because there no room for him in prison.

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