Social Media | Teen Ink

Social Media

April 17, 2014
By langston13 BRONZE, Bardwell, Ky, Kentucky
langston13 BRONZE, Bardwell, Ky, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"true confidence leaves no room for jealousy, when you know your great you have no need to hate"

Do you have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or any other social media website? If you do, do you realize how much time you spend on them every day when you could be doing something beneficial? All you’re doing is wasting your time with these sites and here’s why….

First, there should be a limit for how long teens should spend on social media sites. I say this because; a research shows that 22% of a teen’s day is spent on social media in the United States. Around the World, a teen spends an average of 55% of their day on a social media site. If teens would go out in the real world and socialize with other people, it would be a lot more fun, and much safer!

Second, when teens are on social media for a long period of time, it can lead to addiction. Addiction could happen when a teen is on the internet for way to long, and way too much. Almost half of a survey group admitted to being addicted to social media, with 60% of the respondents being female. This was a really incredible finding and just really shows the reliance youth now have on social media.

Third, it raises the risk of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, or target another person. When teens are on the internet for a long period of time it puts them at a higher risk of being bullied online.

I can also understand why you would disagree. A lot of people think it’s a good way to spend time and meet new people. That’s all true but when it comes to the internet, you can’t see the other people behind the screen! That means that people can easily lie to you and pretend to be someone that they are not and that’s dangerous!

I hope you agree with me that teens should have limits when it comes to the internet. There is a lot more things to life than just the internet. This would help cut down on addiction and cyber bullying. So the next time you pick up the phone, I hope you stop and think do I really want to be on the internet when I could be doing something beneficial?

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