No Excuse | Teen Ink

No Excuse

March 25, 2014
By Max Marsalli BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Max Marsalli BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is bullying to you? According to, one out of four teachers see nothing wrong with bullying. More than 3.2 million students are bullied in a year,and about 160,000 more students skip school each day because of it,yet one out of four teachers see nothing wrong with it. These are statistics that should NEVER exist. Teachers should care about their students and should definitely care even more if they are getting bullied. Kids should not be skipping school because of bullying. Bullying is not acceptable and should not be tolerated!
One place of where bullying occurs the most is in school. Both boys and girls bully, but they use a different approach. Girls bully in packs and use their voices, while boys use physical force and bully in small groups. Bullies intimidate for different reasons no matter what gender. It could be your race, your sexual orientation, or even how popular you are. Bullying has gotten to the point where kids are taking their lives because of how bad they are getting bullied. How can it get that far without someone helping? Bullying can be stopped. If you are a bystander, step in and stop the bully, but bullying is not just at school. It is also on the Internet.

Cyber bullying is a growing problem. When this type of bullying occurs you are not always in school and you are not face to face. If you are not in school, there are no supervisors. Without supervisors, no one can stop them, and the bullying gets out of hand, and it is easier to get away with. It is so bad that according to, 2 out of 9 kids consider committing suicide and only 1 out of 10 tell their parents that it is going on. Eighty percent of teens use their cell phone regularly, so it makes cell phones the most common place to where cyberbullying occurs. Ryan was 13 when he committed suicide. Ryan Halligan was bullied online and in real life. He was bullied so much that he took his life at a young age. If someone stood up for him, he probably would have not committed suicide, but some people see nothing wrong with bullying.

However there are are always two sides to a story. Some of the bullies don’t even know that they are bullying. They think that they are messing around. To mess around with your friends is one thing, but if you are bullying other students, that is a problem. If you see one of your friends bullying someone, stand up for that person even if your friend is the bully.If it’s the other way around stand up for your friend. Even if it is not your friend being bullied, you should stand up for the victim. The smallest things can make a difference by just saying, “Stop.” If you are on Facebook or any other social media, and you see someone being bullied, stand up for that person even if you are online.

Bullying is a problem everywhere. Kids are being bullying for all different reasoning no matter what gender. Bullying should not be tolerated and not acceptable. Only you can stop bullying.

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