Poverty in America | Teen Ink

Poverty in America

March 25, 2014
By tetzlaff9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
tetzlaff9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you live below the line? Did you know the annual salary is $19,500 that is the federal poverty level? Also that 1.3% of children who live below the poverty level are more likely to have a developmental delays or a learning disabilities. Poverty is a situation in which someone does not have enough money for their basic needs. Poverty is a problem that affects everyone and we need a solution.

Almost 50 million people in the USA are poor using the supplemental measure compared to the 47 million using the official measures. Then in 2011, 46.2 million people lived in poverty. Lots of people don’t care about the people who are poor. Such as some of the rich. Some rich people donate other don’t care about really anything because most of the time it really doesn’t affect them. They don’t need to worry about food stamps.

The President had an idea to raise wages, but did you know that a worker earning minimum wage would still end up raising his or her family in poverty. That is with today’s laws. Also the national wages has not been raised since 2007 and the basic wage floor has lost 30 percent of its buying from the 1960s. Obama is looking to raise national wages to nine dollars which will help the economy and increase poverty levels by low wage workers earning more money.
Training next generation workers will decrease poverty. We can prepare high school graduates to compete in a high-tech economy, equip students with the information they need to make smart choices about a college education, and secure investments in worker training, will help ensure that American workers are prepared to fill the jobs. That means also starting earlier with jobs for younger kids for. Child poverty cost 500 billion dollars a year. The President say investing in early education for young kids is big for cutting the poverty. This won’t just help poverty too, this will lead to better school years for kids and more productive high schoolers when they graduate. This plan will provide universal pre-k which will provide a lot of parents with a reliable place for their children to thrive, enabling them to work more hours to bring additional income into the family. This will help stop poverty.

There are tons of solutions to this in our schools we can donate food, money, or clothes or supplies. For everyone to help with poverty they have to educate themselves about first, then they can host thing like rally, 5k’s, and anything just to donate that will help some family out in some way. Also what President Obama says to do is create good jobs, raise wages, train next generation workers, invest in children, and lastly strengthen families.

Now that I have given a bunch of facts it is clear that there are tons of solutions. All we have to do now is pick a couple of them and work together to put an end to poverty in America.

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