Police Brutality | Teen Ink

Police Brutality

March 25, 2014
By 50Cent BRONZE, Long Beach, California
50Cent BRONZE, Long Beach, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Get rich or die trying

“Hands up”! Police brutality is a problem in our society because police are getting away with hurting people severely and in some of cases killing them. There are some cops that have been abusing people for a long time but, nothing has been done about it. They have been breaking into peoples houses without knocking and raiding them. According to the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) From 2009 to 2010 there have been 5,986 misconducts reported and 382 misconducts were connected to fatalities. Many times these police repeatedly beat a person after restraining which then leads to death and nothing happens about it.

Racial profiling is one the of the facts that causes police brutality. African Americans and Latinos are the people we see most abused by the police. I have read multiple stories of people being beaten and tortured by the police for doing nothing. These people are then held in custody and put in a private cell but the police still think that they haven’t done enough and the police put them in a chokehold and torture them and sometimes they die. A lot of the time the police don’t know the laws and they try to prove them wrong even though the police are wrong. Then the police try to detain them for something that they are not doing wrong. The law states that we are innocent until proven guilty not guilty until proven innocent. There is this story of a man who was hitchhiking and the police told him that it was illegal to hitchhike but it was only illegal to hitchhike on the road and he was on the grass. He was also threatened with arrest and got a citation which carried a 35$ fine. You can also see videos where police are beating people and torturing them. Rodney King was someone who was hit repeatedly by three officers and it was on the side of a highway. He was screaming due to the beating and he had several broken bones.

Police brutality is a problem because they are killing people and torturing them and sometimes they have the wrong people and they just want to take out anger on them. My evidence supports my claim because it even shows that police have killed people and have beaten them. The statistics show that there have been a lot of lives taken and injured due to this problem. Police can use force to protect themselves but they cannot repeatedly beat the suspect. According to the (NPMSRP) there have been 2,541 misconducts reported with use of excessive force. They use their fists, tasers, nightsticks, and even guns to beat the suspects and torture them.

The cause for this is police that think they are above the law and cops that are sick, twisted, and have no idea how detain a suspect without hurting them. A solution for this problem is for the leader or head of the police department to train them better and if they hear of this happening to kick them off the force. People need to speak up when they see this thing happening. Police officers have a badge but it doesn’t mean that they rule everybody. If you saw a cop beating a person would you say something? If you just saw a regular citizen beating someone would you say something? It is the same crime just different people committing the crime. If you see this happening get the police man’s attention even if it can result in you getting arrested,it is still the right thing to do. Don’t forget that you have a right to defend yourself. The right thing is usually the hardest thing to do and if you do it you can be a hero and start the movement to end police brutality.

In conclusion police brutality is a problem in society because people are getting hurt by cops who are abusing their power and getting people into situations that they shouldn’t be in. My evidence was shown in the stories that I have read and the statistics I have found through my research.

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This article has 2 comments.

breanna___ said...
on May. 31 2016 at 10:33 am
@trevord no its not an overstatement the writer of the paragraph is trying to show how horrible police brutality is, also please read up on some of the cases, multiple times police have broken innocent peoples body parts and strangled them until they were dead so using the word torture is perfect for this situation, until you have more facts to back up your statement please do not reply thnx

trevord said...
on Apr. 29 2016 at 10:30 am
i mean, the use of the word "torture" is a complete overstatement.