Life is Survival of the Fittest? | Teen Ink

Life is Survival of the Fittest?

January 20, 2014
By SawyerG BRONZE, Chino, California
SawyerG BRONZE, Chino, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The melancholy truth about society is people are being used and material things are being loved. Generally, people lack compassion, generosity, and genuine care. Judgmental words are thrown about on a day to day basis, without a second thought. People judge other people they have heard about merely once. Scheming up devious gossip to spread over something they took out of context, something they do not understand. We bring each other down. Envy and deception. Greed and hate. I am guilty. You are guilty. Why is human nature so harsh? I guess it’s survival of the fittest, sweetheart.

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