The fine art of insecurity | Teen Ink

The fine art of insecurity

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

The fine art of insecurity
One morning a 7th grader Gabriel Molina didn't attend to school. She locked herself up in her room and her parents thought that she was just not feeling well. In the afternoon,her older sister forced her bedroom door open and found her dead. She left a note which revealed details about how she was being bullied in school. Molina took her own life in September after months of online bullying. Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the only surgeon who could save your life?

The devastated parents of Gabriel Molina said the 12-year-old girl had been tormented by schoolyard bullies for months — and the abuse may be the reason she hanged herself in her Queens home... ? Each person comes into this world with specific destiny -- he has something to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be completed.

Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.Notice that these feelings are causing you to be unhappy at home and you are feeling moody or short tempered with your parents/carers, brothers or sisters.

We all have had experience with some kind of bullying or will. Bullies come in all sizes, large and small. Being bullied can be a searing, scarring experience, and in some ways, it might be a bigger problem than it ever was. Adults often push aside the memories of being bullied and try to forget it ever happened, they still try to help the younger ones though. Bullying hurts people in many different ways, emotionally and physically because they get so used to getting bullied that it makes them believe the words. Many people have affected by bullying and killed themselves. We are losing our loved ones because of it. Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying.
Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying—or something else—is a concern. Everyday people kill themselves because they are getting either emotionally or physically bullied. According to the US government, 50 students kill themselves every day, 71 percent of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school however the number is even higher between 4th and 8th grade where 90 percent report being victims of bullying. This is a lot of people, but there's a way to prevent bullying. When you witness bullying, stand up for the person or tell a trusted adult you know, and they'll make an effort to end to the bullying right away!

by: Dagemawi Beyna

The author's comments:
This is very personal and i think it is a 5 star work.

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