U.S. Gun Violence | Teen Ink

U.S. Gun Violence

January 8, 2014
By Anonymous

If a student is getting bullied at school, you should stay neutral. I understand that someone else getting bullied is not your problem but when you are a bystander to the bullying you are making things worse.I believe students need to stop being bystanders and stand up to a person that is bullying with words and actions. My reasons are the effects of when a victim gets bullied and everyone is a bystander and why students don’t stand up for someone getting bullied.
First I believe that they’re too many negative effects of a victim getting getting bullied with no one to stand up for them.Being a bystander to bullying can cause the victim to have a low self-esteem and they can get physical symptoms like headaches, stomach pain, and sleeping problems.These can make a student not want to come to school.One person is all it takes to step up and stop all of these things from happening to a student that is a victim of bullying.
Lastly why students don’t want to stand up for a student that is getting bullied. Well first is that they don’t want to draw attention to them by not being on the bullies side.Next they don’t want to go through the same thing as the victim does. A girl named Rosa was scared to help a boy that was getting bullied by a group of kids at school.She did nothing because she did not want to get bullied too.After that she was scared to go school. Not standing up for a victim of bullying can also hurt you too.
If you think being a bystander to bullying will solve the problem of bullying its only making the victim feel as if no one is on their side. Standing up to bullies and not being a bystander can make a difference for a victim’s feelings. I believe that students need to stand up to bullying and not be bystanders.

The author's comments:
"I am a boy that believes that no matter how you look or what you do and say,only god can judge you.Every one is unique in there own ways.Follow your own path

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