Child Abuse | Teen Ink

Child Abuse

January 8, 2014
By Bertnah BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Bertnah BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How could someone hurt a child? It’s hard to imagine someone hurting a poor innocent child, but it happens everyday. All over the world child abuse is a problem. It can happen anywhere from a wealthy neighborhood to a poverty struck trailer park: fatalities occur every day. Nationally in 2002 it was estimate that there were “1,400 child fatalities” due to abuse (National Clearinghouse on child abuse and Neglect Information). Fourteen thousands children were killed in one year from child abuse. If you do the math, a child is killed by abuse every six hours, and in West Virginia a child is “more likely to die from abuse and neglect than kids in any other state”. These statistics do not even count the children who are abused repeatedly.

Abuse. Abuse. Abuse. What is abuse? Why do people do it? Why those that abuse do it to the people around them or the people that they love? Abuse is when someone treats a person or animal with cruelty or violence, regularly or repeatedly. Why do they do it to each other? Do you think people deserve to be abuse? I don’t think people should be abused. What has that person done to you for you to treat them that way and make them suffer? No matter how badly they done bad to you or how angry you are at them, you shouldn't have to use it against that person.
Studies show that 14% of men and 36% of women in prison in the USA were abused as children, about twice the frequency seen in general population. “Here are some more information on child abuse.” Children who experience child abuse and neglect are 9 times more likely to be involved in criminal activity. Abused children are 25% more likely to experience teenage pregnancy. They also become more involved in sexual activities and put their self in risk of STD’s . About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children. The list keeps going on and on for more information go to this website

There is no need for abuse. Abuse is another source of violence. Worldwide there are more cases of abuse everyday. I don’t understand why adults are taking their anger on little children. What’s the point? I believe that if you are not capable of taking care of a child don’t have children at all. Easy. Statistics say that a report of child abuse is made every 10 ten seconds. Wow. This statistic show that child abuse is becoming worse and worse every day. In America Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States involving more than 6 million children (a report can include multiple children) The United States had among the worst records among industrialized nations-losing on average between four and seven children every day to child abuse and neglect.
Here’s a Survivor’s story of child abuse and sex trafficking. “My childhood was not a childhood says Elisabeth Corey. In my family, men had sex with little girls. It was our normal. It was our culture and generational. My parents grew up with it and their parents grew up with it. Most victims in our family didn’t even remember it because the trauma caused memory loss. We were a family of traumatized individuals who were doing everything it took to survive...usually at the expense of others.” Elisabeth is a survivor of family-controlled child sex trafficking and ritual sex abuse. Her education in social work and her personal experiences as a survivor inform her inmate discussion on her biological, psychological social and spiritual aspects of trauma recovery, which she discusses on her blog “Trafficked: A Survivor’s Story About Beating Childhood Trauma.”
There are thousands of kids all over the world that are being abused and need our help . There is a hotline to call for neglected and abused children. If you or someone you know is being abuse call this 1-800-4 A child(1-800-422-4453) hotline. This can help prevent more cases of neglect and abuse. You can help save thousands of lives with just one phone call.

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