Evil and Selfish Desires | Teen Ink

Evil and Selfish Desires

December 18, 2013
By StephanyC BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
StephanyC BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Humans are never satisfied with what they own. They always want more. They don’t think about others and only think about ourselves. Even the sweetest people have evil and selfishness inside of them.

An example of evilness would be how badly women get treated all around the world. For example African tribes believe in female circumcision. They do this because that’s what their religion believes in. They feel like they won’t be accepted by God if girls don’t remove their genetalia. This is evil because they do this to young innocent girls, who don't even know what or why this is being done to them, and they can’t even say a word about it because they are way too young to even understand. Another example of evilness is how men nowadays want their wives to be inside the house all day. They don’t let them leave the house and if they do they will get beaten. Also they don’t want these women to have normal lives, because the men they are with don’t want them to talk to other guys or have friends.

An example of selfishness is rich people when they over do it by either buying a lot of clothes which they don't need or wasting things like food, clothes, etc. when there is a large population of poor people who would be so thankful for anything. They are spending their money on expensive cars such as BMW’s Audi’s and Lamborghini’s. Also they are spending their money on houses such as mansions and houses out of the state or country in which they live in. They could be spending it on clothes and food to donate to the poor. They are not doing this because they don’t feel the need to do it. This is selfish because people should be more considerate about how their actions affect others and others needs.

In the play “Macbeth” there’s many examples of selfishness and evilness. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth show selfishness because when Macbeth becomes "Thane of Cawdor" they aren't comfortable with the power they have, they want more.They wanted the power of becoming queen and king because they were jealous at the fact that Banquo’s son was going to become king and instantly Macbeth and his wife looked at it this way: they will only have power in the moment, but what about their children and the future?. They didn’t care about anyone’s future but themselves. This is when evil falls in because Lady Macbeth decided she wanted Macbeth to kill King Duncan just so that they can have more power and while at it Macbeth kept killing people that didn't even need to be killed, just so they can have more power and it was all for nothing. The murders Macbeth sent to kill Banquo and Fleance were very close to killing Fleance who was innocent in the whole situation.

Some people don’t know when they are being selfish; you often can’t tell, since it’s yourself. When it comes to evilness I know people notice what they are doing but some often don’t care that they are hurting others, while others just don’t think of it as evil. I believe humans can’t do anything to fix this because its something that’s naturally inside us already and everyone is selfish and evil in their own ways.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this writing was how humans are so cruel. I hope people will read this because people should be more aware of how people are becoming now a days.

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