Self- Reliance | Teen Ink

Self- Reliance

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

They all say conform to non-conformity, but what they dont understand is how when you try and conform to non conformity, it takes self-reliance but not everybody has that, You can’t have on with out the other. If you become a non-conformist but dont have the courage to do things that are related to non-conformity then you are not a non-conformist, you are still the same as you were. Because basically self- reliance is being able to do things for yourself, rather than relying on others to try and do things for you. This concept covers most of the greatest movements in history, Such as the Civil Rights Movement; when Martin Luther King got up and began to defy the societal views of a black male, he was looked upon badly, worse than most, but during this there were a lot of other black men and women wo believed in this non-conformist act, yet the only man at this point with the courage and self-reliance to was Martin Luther King. He stood up for others by doing things for himself, he was using self-reliance so that black people in the future didn’t have to.
They dont tell you the bad things about conforming, because once you conform to something you are no longer the non-conformity, you in the end are still the same unless you are yourself 100% of the time. I feel like the bigger deal is with self reliance, this is linked to all types of things like bullying suicide, and even gay rights. But overall the main thing is that you’ll never know if your are a true non-conformist if you practice the art of self reliance.

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