The Horrible Truth about Lying | Teen Ink

The Horrible Truth about Lying

November 1, 2013
By Avery Pulley BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
Avery Pulley BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Horrific Truth about Lying

Lying is a terrible thing that most people tend to do. Many people all around the world lie numerous times every day, and I feel that it is not okay for anyone to do. Nobody wants to be lied to, so why do we do it? People lie to enhance their self image, grow new positive relationships, increase popularity, and some other reasons that can either help other people or help themselves. An average American (as of 2013) lies eleven times a week (Gunderson). Wow! Lying is harmful to you, harmful to other people, and many experiments prove this theory. Let’s take a look at my first topic.

Lying is harmful to you. First, lying causes guilt. For example, guilt makes people feel terrible and causes them to be miserable. When people become very sad, there is possibility that they will become depressed. Depression is a very serious, terrible illness that can last for long periods of time. Guilt makes people worry about the consequences of their actions if the person they lied to finds out (Gunderman). Second, lying can be reflexive action. For instance, if people are constantly lying, it becomes a second nature for them. Some people begin to lie and they aren’t even positive that they are doing it (Lloyd).Third, lying may be able to reduce health complaints. At the University of Notre Dame, some students watched 100 people over the course of one year. They told 50 of the people to not lie, and they didn’t tell the other 50 people to not lie. At the end of the year, the people who were told not to lie, had a 33.3% decrease in their amount of lying. They also had four less health complaints than the people who weren’t told not to lie (Gunderman). In conclusion, lying can be threatening for you.

Lying is rude and unfair. First, the person/people who are being lied to are going to feel hurt. For example, many different people build trust between themselves and other people. By lying to someone else, the person that someone else lies to will most likely feel confused and angry. It is not fair to trust someone, if you know that you are lying to them. Second, lying causes people to lose respect for each other. For instance, people (including friends and family) will lose some respect for the person who lied that can take a while to earn back. I had a friend that I trusted with all of my heart and she lied to me. I didn’t feel like I could trust her anymore, and our friendship was gone. Third, some conversations may not be entirely true. For example, Mr. Fieldman put two strangers into a room together. He videotaped them as they talked to each other for ten minutes. After the experiment ended, he asked the test subjects if they had lied at all during their conversation with each other. Both of them replied, saying that they had not. Later to find out, both of the test subjects had lied at least once (Lloyd). In conclusion, lying is a horrible thing to do to other people.

Lying has some awful facts. First, people who often lie have trouble distinguishing reality from what’s fake. For example, people are so worried about how other people view them, they tend lie a lot. When people lie a lot, they have trouble figuring out what’s real and what’s not real. This can be bad, because it makes it confusing for people to understand who they are. Second, lying has outstanding statistics. For instance, an average person dies eleven lies per week. This is saying that people lie almost twice a day (Gunderson). Third, people lie for a variety of different reasons. For example, many people lie, because they believe it improves their pleasure, wealth, status, and power. They also believe that many people may respect them more, or they may gain popularity (Lloyd). In conclusion, lying is interesting, but has a ton of bad things about it.

Lying is a sad thing that almost all people do. I wish people all around the world could come together and come up with an agreement stating that none of them would lie. Lying can be very emotional, not only for yourself as a human being, but by the people you lie to. "Honesty doesn’t always pay, but dishonesty always costs."

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