Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

March 22, 2013
By Shahadah. BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Shahadah. BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"let all that you do be done in love."

When did sending children to school with bullet-proof backpacks become normal? That question is the reason why our topic, “Should anyone have the right to own a gun,” is being discussed. The conservatives believe that it’s our right to own a gun. The liberals believe that only the government should have access to guns because crimes related to gun violence is going up. I strongly agree with the liberals because gun owners can be dangerous, innocent people are dying, and the government has no control.

The first reason I believe that I believe that not everyone should have the right to own a gun is because gun owners can be dangerous. George Zibberman for example; the killer of 17 years old Trayvon Martin is a very dangerous man. He killed Trayvon because he looked suspicious, so since George had access to a weapon he shot and killed young Trayvon Martin. Also, James Holmes who shot up the aurora movie theater is another very dangerous man. Holmes had no motive to killing all those people, but he had access to many weapons and decided to do it anyway. Therefore, people like these men should have no access what so ever to powerful weapons like guns.

The second reason that not everyone should be able to own a gun is because innocent people are dying. For example, the pre-school children at Sandy Hook elementary were riddled with bullets. They had not done anything wrong and yet they died right in the hallways of their school. Similarly, innocent people die every day because of gun violence. Data shows that millions of citizens- young and old- died last year in the United States. It’s not to those pre-school children and the rest of the world that their family and friends are innocently dying.

Lastly, not everyone should have the right to own a gun because the government has no control. The police don’t know how to fix broken hearts because of lost loved ones. They had no idea this was going to happen, or how to keep people tamed. And how were they supposed to stop James Holmes from going into the theatre and killing all those people if he’s highly armed with dangerous weapons. They can’t just walk up to him and take his guns away from him.
In conclusion, I agree with the liberal side because if everyone owns a gun, there will be more violence and crimes. This is because the gun owners can be dangerous, innocent people can get hurt, and the government can’t control its country. Therefore there should be stronger gun control laws and only the military and the police should have access to those brutal weapons.

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