Hunger in America | Teen Ink

Hunger in America

March 22, 2013
By ArianK. BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
ArianK. BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So many people are hungry in this world today. Why? Families are living in poverty for one. Also social class and education play a big part in why many are in hunger. The purpose of this essay is to show the causes of hunger in America.

Today families struggle because they are living in poverty. Some families are homeless, because they lost their jobs. Also parents are getting laid off so they cannot afford the expenses. Families are poor from the first generation. There are many struggles for these families.

Without school people have fewer opportunities. Students today may not think school is important so they dropout, so now they don’t have an education and a low paying job. If you don’t go to college, you won’t have the skills for higher paying jobs. Without those skills it will put you in a low social class. Once that happens, you can’t afford food because the expenses are too high. Another reason is because teens are pregnant at a young age so they have no job, no money, and nowhere to live.

More families are in poverty because of horrible circumstances. For some families poverty started from early generations. So many teenagers are dropouts or don’t go to college, so they have a low paying job. In this world you have to work and try so you won’t be another person in America who is hungry.

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