Let's Join Hands! | Teen Ink

Let's Join Hands!

March 20, 2013
By Mariah Saucedo BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Mariah Saucedo BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t you think Mexico and America should be one? By having them come together we can create a better place for everyone. Many Mexicans come to the U.S. to create a better future and jobs for themselves. Most Mexicans do the dirty work for the wealthy. By allowing countries to come together we can have more land and better protection. Then, more money will be saved from drug trafficking. Finally, a better and safer life will start to appear.

If Mexico and America joined, there would be more land and a safer place. The land would benefit everyone. More farms would be created, which means more food. There would also be more cities that can create a better economy. The protection will be better, and everyone could be safe. There will be many resources, this would help everyone and could be very useful. By having more land we can support our families.

The drug trafficking can be stopped and better dealt with. More money would be saved. There would also be less deaths. The government would also be stronger. Then, there would be less crimes, which creates an easier job for the police. The government would be trusted. More money would also be placed on schools. Then, it would be a better life for the families. Finally, drug trafficking can be a big change if we bring both countries together.

The last benefit is a better quality of life. There would be more freedom. Better futures can be allowed, and income is easier for families. Jobs can be easy to find. That would create a better economy. The school would play a big part. Children can stay in school without being deported. This can keep families closer, but over all things can be a happy place if we allow countries to join.

By having these two countries to come together we can create a better future for everyone. A strong government ,and more money could be saved. The money would be put to schools, and everyone would be closer to their family. This is why we should bring the U.S. and Mexico together.

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