diversity | Teen Ink


October 30, 2012
By jad rogers BRONZE, Midland, Texas
jad rogers BRONZE, Midland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Diversity can mean tons of things. Most people think of diversity as just race or ethnicity. Diversity mean a whole lot more than just race to me. First of all the definition of diversity is different. To me diversity can mean almost anything. Everyone in the world is diverse in their own way. The word would be boring if we were all the same. God created us all unique and special in his own vision. Diversity is like what kind of food you like, what place you would love to go to the most, or your favorite singer or genre of music, or what sports you like. Diversity has the biggest variety like if you like your mattress firm or soft of what color is your favorite. No one person is the exact same. God created us that way. Life would be so boring if everyone wore the same clothes every day, had the same hair, and every liked the same things. Diversity keeps our lives interesting and fun. Everyone is special in Gods image. Diversity means a lot more than just culture or ethnicity or color. We all have different beliefs or ideas, we all have our different styles, we all choose what we like and what we do not like. Thankfully this is a free country and we can express our diversity and are allowed to be diverse unlike some countries. I think that diversity is one of the most important things in life. It is ok to be different, we should all be ourselves and who God created us to be in his image.

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