Teenage Depression | Teen Ink

Teenage Depression

February 20, 2012
By Anonymous

Teen Depression is a huge problem that not only this society, but this whole universe has to deal with on a day to day basis. Whether it’s friends, family, schoolmates, etc. Almost everyone knows someone who deals with depression. In Depression, people lower their self-esteem and standards, making themselves believe that their not good enough. They look at others, wanting to be more like them, more like someone that they’re not. Like someone that god didn't create as them self. No human being should ever think that way. This cause is important because teens should feel happy and good about them, and not drop to a level feeling unwanted and hopeless.

Everyone should be happy no matter what situation they get put through. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, guilty, irritable, or restless stated by Wikipedia. These feelings may cause them lose interest in outside of school activities, friends, appetite, teammates etc. Which all of these only cause a person to be more depressed. Depression is a mental illness that can occur in teenagers in much the same way that it manifests itself in adults. A significant difference is that teens are dependent on their parents or other caregivers to provide the medical attention they need as said by Schimelpfening. The keyword there is caregivers. Lots of teens feel they don’t have enough care in their society they live in, and wish they were someone else. Also it states that depression is a mental illness. A mental illness is very serious and needs to be treated as soon as possible, or the teens may go as low as cutting, anorexia, or even committing suicide.

Before treatment, you need to make sure you know what is going on. Schimelpfening tell us that It is not always easy to spot the presence of depression in teenagers. With all the dramatic changes that they experience as they go through the lengthy transition to adult hood, it can be difficult to tell between a foul mood, and actual depression. Some teens show such behaviors such as aggression, irritability, and rage rather than sadness it is always important to keep these in mind, so you can spot teens that you deal with every day, with depression to get them help. Once you know someone who has depression, simply prescribing antidepressants is not good enough as a standalone treatment. Many mental health professionals strongly recommend therapy, Gonzales told us this. Anyone should help someone out knowing when they’re in depression, even by just the little things. Make them feel better about themselves; anything you can do will help.

Depression is a horrible situation for any teen to go through. It needs to be stopped right away. Think about the thoughts going through their mind, and how they feel without anyone there for them. Talk to them, give them a friend, even advice. Just HELP them. Saving a kid in depression is saving a life. Saving a life can change the world.

The author's comments:
This is something i think every teenager should read. Because everyone who reads it will get something out of it.

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