Why So Dreary About Therapy? | Teen Ink

Why So Dreary About Therapy?

April 29, 2024
By lily2027 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
lily2027 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Minnesota is rural and unique, but people’s outlook on life isn’t too great. This is overlooking the fact that suicide rates are at their highest. Rural areas in Minnesota are more dispersed, so there may be less access to emergency medical facilities, and therapy services. In February of 2024, Marnie Werner and Tracie Rutherford conducted a study for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Center for Health Statistics. In this study, they found that there has been a very consistent rise in suicide rates. This rise is especially true in Minnesota. Many people wonder how we can move forward from all of the lives being lost and also wonder if there is anything they can do to prevent suicide. Many things can lead to suicide, so making sure the overall mind and body are in good shape matters to steer away from this direction. One incredible tool that anyone can use is a therapist. Going to therapy, understanding what therapy is, and how it works; gives most people the information needed to gain the confidence to go to therapy. Hearing other people's stories helps others better understand the results that therapy can give.
The first step is to ask for help. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) “Finding Disclosure”, describes a well-executed plan for those who want to receive guidance. When receiving guidance, many things are involved. First, to understand that we are not alone and to release this. Finding a significant and supportive person in life and letting them know if something is going on can be very helpful. Having others understand that this can be very personal. Whether or not it is something large. A study done by Kumar, A., & Epley, N. in 2021 in their journal It’s surprisingly nice to hear from you: The Journal of Experimental Psychology states that “positive social connections improve well-being.” Having a friend can be like therapy, but it isn’t quite the same.
Secondly, a better understanding of what therapy is can help give confidence. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines therapy as a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. Psychologists do much more than that. They support individuals of all ages in living happier, healthier, and more enjoyable lives through psychotherapy. Therapy isn’t something to be afraid of. Amy Pershing, LMSW, director of the Pershing Turner Centers in Annapolis, and clinical director for the Center for Eating Disorders in Ann Arbor enlightens the facts “I fully believe people have everything they need to heal; they just have to relearn how to listen to, and believe, what they hear.” Therapy is for all, and it helps with all challenges in life, even the ones that we don’t realize are taking a burden on us.
Therapy is commonly believed to be just sitting in a room and talking about problems. To think that people think this is the only way to do therapy is loopy. There are so many types of psychotherapy to best understand every challenge. Two other types of psychotherapy are creative arts therapy and animal-assisted therapy. Creative art therapy aims to use different forms of creativity to engage the mind through different arts, including dance, music, poetry, and art. Creative art therapy helps people to communicate what they are experiencing. Spending time with a trained therapy pet is a component of animal-assisted therapy. National Alliance on Mental Health’s (NAMI) article “Psychotherapy,” states that both individuals with PTSD and people with anxiety disorders can benefit from having a therapy pet. Therapy pets are used by certain nursing homes, hospitals, and other medical facilities as comfort or support animals.
In simple terms, all forms of therapy have conversations. However, the session's purpose will determine the discussion's type and structure. In the article Benefits of Therapy Sessions with Dogs, published on April 4, 2024, Jake Pearson elaborates on the benefits of having a therapy dog while doing therapy. Jake was meeting with Thomas Shook, the founder of 815 Paws, a therapy dog organization based in Rockford, Illinois. Thomas stated, “A lot of times, the dogs will pick up on something going on with the client before the actual therapist will.” Therapy can go on in many different ways, but according to therapy expert Zara Abrams, author of the article “Kids’ Mental Health Is in Crisis.” “Here’s What Psychologists Are Doing to Help” on the American Psychological Association website published on January 1, 2023. The largest issue now confronting mental health care providers is the lack of qualified professionals trained to handle the growing requirements of kids and teenagers. Even though there is a growing requirement for kids and teenagers, therapy can still be for everyone.
People often assume that therapy is just for people with problems. There was this girl in 2nd grade, who had written a letter to a friend that had stated, “I wish I wasn’t here.” Is that girl just not normal? Or is there something wrong with her? The particular thing about this girl was that it was me. By the end of that week, I had started therapy. Over time I went through four therapists and no one could tell me what was wrong. Looking back there was nothing truly wrong, I had gone through so many people trying to “fix me.” There wasn’t anything wrong with me. So when I found my therapist, many things changed. She had wanted to help with everything in my life and not just “the problem.” So when therapy is stated just for people with a problem, this is inaccurate. Therapy is for everyone, and can help with many aspects of every life.
Looking at the many general ideas of therapy, how to ask for help, knowing that therapy is for everyone, and the job of the therapist, are all small factors in how therapy is. It can be used in many different ways and can be for everyone. A good therapist wants to make every person a better person and not “the problem.” I believe therapy can have so many benefits for everyone. So what can we do with this? Minnesota is known as its “land of ten thousand lakes” or “Minnesota nice.” How can we change people's outlook on life, and change the suicidal rate? Therapy can help many of these people; we just have to ask for help. To also understand that therapy isn’t something to be ashamed of. My Denver Therapy, which is one of the largest woman-owned therapy private practices in Colorado elaborates that few medical and psychological treatments exist in life that are effective for every individual. Some people may respond little or no to treatments that are effective for most of them. However, they give the facts that, “during the COVID pandemic, nearly 30% of Americans saw a therapist, and 86% said that it helped them cope with whatever they were going through. In 2021, around 40 million Americans saw a therapist.” So we are not alone and each one of us matters. For many, these sessions may mean a change in everything they do.

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