The True Value of Life | Teen Ink

The True Value of Life

January 14, 2023
JournalistFromAnotherWorld SILVER, Prague, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s world a high-quality life is considered to be the one painted by the social media that continue to surround us with every step one takes. Of course, it is not only the virtual world that reflects its ideals onto mindsets of the users it is also the capitalist society that besieges us. The purpose of this writing is to set focus on the more mental satisfaction of life supplemented by a personal view at the end.


Whenever we seek a feeling of understanding it is largely through social media. There one is overwhelmed with instructions to a perfect routine which might make your life easier while hypocritically trying to sell a product of materialistic value. This merchandise will only become part of the ones bought before in hopes of achieving some form of ease with oneself. However what majority does not realize is the fact that long-term emotions do not derive from the tangible, it is the exact opposite, the abstract existences produce much greater impact.


To mass the word “abstract” might seem too philosophical therefore, in response, when met with such term one expects of themselves not to understand. It is recommended to understand the word and statements associated with it as rather perception. At first, it may not be so uncomplicated still it is this process that leads one to spiritual comprehension. Having the negotiated skill is of a great use especially when struggling with decision-making. The inhabitants of this world should ask themselves if it is truly the materialism that gratifies their life or is it the sense of having emotional side under control.


I personally chose to write apropos the issue in order to set the focus of self-healing on the elements of being that I believe to be genuinely crucial. I myself have felt the need to travel into exotic lands due to supposing running away from the problems would help me heal. Over time though, I found the most common aspects of being to ultimately influence my persona. One day looking back at your life, would you rather have emotional memories that die with you or objects that will decay longer than your own corpse?

The author's comments:

I have been lately finding myself in situations where I feel surrounded by materialism and materialism only. This state of mind had led me to writing this article. I believe it is more than necessary to remind ourselves what is and is not worth our time on this planet.

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