Young Minds Make A Difference | Teen Ink

Young Minds Make A Difference

July 9, 2022
By Anonymous

There is this encounter in your life when you meet people who show unfair treatment to you even after the balanced manner you have given to the world just to get the fair result of every competition you join or you wanted to join.

However, when hatred comes our way, people forget to remember how justice blind is. To be against inequality is like fighting against the constant attitude of life that can never be changed completely but at least we can do something even with a little bit of our effort.

In school, inequality reigns more than anywhere in the world. That is why I sometimes loath school but I have compassion for learning. A school is just a place where people and everything hone your skills but not a place where you realized how your skills are honestly acknowledged.

Always remember to forget that equality in school completely reigns and can never be beaten by injustice or bias. Because the truth is the opposite. But remember to not forget that you can change it as long as you live although not completely but somehow you can and maybe did.

Every bad thing in the world works because people ignore it to stop them from working. Now, let's make a difference. We are young people with young minds and we are the future of the world. If you let the world demolish the goodness in things, our world will soon become a part of the ruins.

Now, start making a transition. Even with the smallest things you can help because it doesn't matter if you did or made a big impact on the world. What matters most is that we do something.

Today is the day when everything should start to change. It is upon you, Scriber.

The author's comments:

I am a blogger and an aspiring writer who wishes to be a renowned writer someday. But for now, I want to start a blog about the importance of the voice of young people, especially those who have broad ideas about the situation in our society. I won't the wrong things in the society I am living in.

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