The Ideal friend | Teen Ink

The Ideal friend

May 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Friendship is always important. Friends play a big and important role in everyone’s lives. But not everyone is always the best friend. Some people who claim to be your friends might just be doing it to take advantage of you. In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the book gives plenty of good examples of good and bad friends. The book gives the definition of an ideal friend as someone you can trust, respects you, and are loyal to you. The character Hassan fits that description perfectly because he has all of the qualities of a good friend.

A good friend is always loyal to others. They never say or do anything to hurt you. On page 54 of The Kite Runner the character Hassan proves to be a loyal friend when he tells the main character Amir that he would rather eat dirt than lie to him. If that is not showing loyalty, I don’t know what is. I’ve never meet a person that was loyal enough to eat dirt rather than lie to me. Hassan was always more loyal to Amir than Amir was to Hassan because he would eat dirt before he lied to Amir. Amir would never eat dirt for Hassan; Amir would tell one thousand lies before he would eat dirt.

Hassan is a person who gives respect to others because he never takes others for granite. Hassan doesn’t judge others biased on their looks or make fun of anyone because of their beliefs. He is reminds me of my friend Andrew Gray because they both respect others. Andrew is the nicest person I know, and I have never seen him disrespect anyone or myself. Hassan is the same as Andrew because they respect their friends and don’t try to change you. That’s what good friends do and that lets you know that they respect you and your decisions.

The most important quality in a friend is trust. If you can’t trust your friend, then they are not a good friend. People should be able to trust their friends with the following things: your important information, their decisions, and their actions. Amir is not a trust worthy friend to Hassan because you cannot trust him with any of those things because he showed that he cannot be trusted with his words or actions. On page 75-76 of The Kite Runner Amir lets Hassan get raped and then lies about being there. Because Amir let Hassan get raped and didn’t tell anyone or help, he is not trust worthy enough to be a good friend.

Friendship is always important. Friends play a big and important role in everyone’s lives because without friends we would not have a normal life. But not everyone is always the best friend. In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, the book gives plenty of good examples of good and bad friends. The book gives the definition of an ideal friend as someone you can trust, respects you, and are loyal to you. When you see all of that in your friends, you can say that they are a good friend.

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on Nov. 12 2017 at 7:16 am
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Malu said...
on Jan. 7 2016 at 9:21 am
Superb essay......... It was very