Perspective on Girls | Teen Ink

Perspective on Girls

December 11, 2009
By kingofamerica SILVER, Kamuela, Hawaii
kingofamerica SILVER, Kamuela, Hawaii
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before you read and further, please know that I am not an expert on this topic and I certainly don't pretend to be, these are only my opinions.
So, in any conversation about the psychology of woman, girls especially, the idea that girls are far more emotional than men, is sure to be raised. Whether or not you agree with that, maybe it would be safer to assume that women have dissimilar emotions than men, or at least different ways of interpreting those emotions. There always seems to be a misunderstanding between the needs of both genders, and maybe that is because they have different ways of feeling certain things. How one guy might cope with a certain situation, might be radically different than how a girl might, what a girl might take for an insult might not have even crossed the mind of the guy. This isn't because anyone is better, they are just different. If girls respond to things with more of an emotional emphasis, that is not a negative thing, it's a psychological thing, and that psychosis is just the same as the one that creates the more instinctual emphasis in a man. But like I said, this is all psychological to me, mainly because I have seen guys act with more emphasis on emotion than the stereotypical instinct that they are supposed to. And psychology has a lot more to do with the mind, than the heart, or the gender. From there you could dive into many Freudian and Nietzsche like concepts, but I'll keep it simple, I think that how you are raised determines most of you are. Sure you can debate with a lot of minor details and quirks, but it is undeniable that what you experience as a child stays with you, in some form or another. So if this is the case, than if you were brought up with a specific set of influences, than you would develop as a person in a very specific way. Like if you were taught to be more predisposed to emotions, than you would develop into a very emotional person. And sense girls are the stereotypical figure of emotion, than parents would be more inclined to raise their female child as such. My point being is that I think most girls are far more emotional than guys.

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This article has 5 comments.

on Dec. 31 2009 at 8:03 pm
NorthernWriter, Fargo, North Dakota
0 articles 0 photos 326 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

oh, and girls tend to have a more romantic view of the world

on Dec. 31 2009 at 8:02 pm
NorthernWriter, Fargo, North Dakota
0 articles 0 photos 326 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only dead fish swim with the stream"

girls are sensitive in some ways b/c they over dissect things too much and they think about stuff a lot. plus, society says there's shame for a guy if he starts crying b/c of failure or if he shows extreme love for anything (other than women and that stuff, like if he LOVES writing poetry and reading 1,000 page books...that's a problem..he should get out more, right?)

CCSim said...
on Dec. 30 2009 at 1:17 pm
Interesting article; however it leads me to wonder, did you even consider the chemical make up of our bodies? This in turn influences the different ways our mental capacity adapts and accepts/rejects certain emotions. Yes, there is an impact on how people are raised with how they love- in some cases. But in all my years, I"ve learned to discover that, that isn't a viable reason why we behave a certain way. It's the chemistry. Your article is an opinion, one that so often describes the cliche, almost sexist attitude, men have towards women.

on Dec. 30 2009 at 10:19 am
ReflectionsofYou GOLD, Mason, Tennessee
10 articles 0 photos 107 comments
I don't think we're more emotional, I just think we relate more with emotion. Which would make us more inclined to cry, or get upset at just the thought of something. Guys just relate differently.But when it comes down to it we all have a human heart, we all have emotion. And what if we were all the same? Life would be miserable. Woman are what make men good men and men are what make women good women. If we could be deprived of our emotions we wouldn't be good mothers or wives. What are your thoughts on that?

on Dec. 29 2009 at 8:08 pm
neonhearts BRONZE, Harrah, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
wow this article is kinda funny to me. But your right it does depend on how your raised and everything . But not all girls are emotional timebombs.