Drop the Butt | Teen Ink

Drop the Butt

January 6, 2014
By Anonymous

QUIT SMOKING, I’ve been told this so many times that I finally heard it so much that I need to quit and that’s what I’m about to do. I’m seventeen as of today and I have been a smoker since I was thirteen. Now what made me want to pick up a cigarette and smoke? My older siblings were doing it and I look up to them and wanted to be like them and I wanted to be “cool”. What’s so cool about smoking my life away I was doing what I loved and still love but I had to stop doing it. Speed skating was my crouch in life if I had to get things off my chest I would go skate. I don’t do that now but I’m going to change that. I’m putting the end to my smoking.

It’s not going to be easy we all know that. I’m going to be crabby, snappy, and sleepy and I’m sure going to want to satisfy my hand to mouth. So what am I going to do about it? I’m going to fight it and win that fight like a boss.

The outcome of me quitting is that I’ll be healthier, active, happy, and have fresh breath. And I will be back to myself doing laps at what I do best…. Speed skating is what I am. Not speed smoking.

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