How I Feel About Alcohol Abuse | Teen Ink

How I Feel About Alcohol Abuse

January 25, 2011
By Abbi M BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
Abbi M BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you value the respect you receive by others? Would you want to risk losing that respect?
In today’s world many people are becoming addicted to alcohol. A majority of them state to age as young adults under the age of 21. Not by a bigger percent, do the problems of alcohol abuse also come from adults. Although all drinking is prohibited under the age of 21, that law is broken easily for teens. There counted a total of 14 million users in America and sixty- three percent of them only twelve and up.

Survey says that twenty- six percent of eighth graders have approached alcohol, forty percent of tenth graders had used it and fifty- one percent of a twelfth grade used it too in the past month. Percents like this, count too high in our society and population. Totaled, seventy percent of the country’s car crashes have caused from the use of alcohol. A life of drinking all the time, getting sick, risk arrest, and risk killing myself cannot fit as a life I want or see for myself. Sometimes when drinking too much you can become very sick and dizzy, which I could not bare. That will happen when you drink too much and even more serious consequences can occur. The respect you once had, can be taken in an instant, just like that. It has said, that when starting to drink under the limit, it may result in more addiction problems later life than starting at 21 years old.

When at home or at another house, there has not been many days that I do not see on the TV that a minor got killed or an alcohol caused accident has occurred. If I was in that situation, I do not honestly know what I would say to my parents. What about those parents of the child who did not drink but died because of a drunk driver? How could someone cope with their anguish? I have experienced people drinking at events or special occasions and when to taking it so far that they were drunk, it was embarrassing to there. I do not do well around drunk people. They usually act so immature. You don’t know the minds of someone or what they might have the capability of doing.

Circumstances such as interventions, arrests, rehab appointments, and more taken have happened for those abusers. One of the signs of people abusing alcohol can show mental, thinking “you have to have it”. Also another reason would show physical, such as abuse as a child or just at all in life. The thought that alcohol could wash away the pain, when it brings more. Males have been surveyed though before and results say that they are at a higher percentage of abuse than females. Why could this be? In my opinion, teens have become more vulnerable and feel maybe it is necessary to drink. I don’t know but it’s wrong, dangerous, and disrespectful to act that way.

The author's comments:
I think it's become too much of a problem.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 4 2011 at 12:34 pm
ugh,life.... BRONZE, Homer City, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its because we gave them all the spot light, and let the shine in the ways they know how. We never ever told that they weren't good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, we just let them do their own thing, and it worked"~Dee Ann

wow this is amazing, i agree totally, growing up with someone who abused alcohol, i vowed to never touch it, or drugs of any sort.