Drones | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By ars22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ars22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since the idea first came up, drones have been a very two sided subject. But parents, imagine this: You wake up one morning and go to the grocery store, but oh no! There are no vegetables because the farmer is late with his shipment of crops. This entire situation could have been avoided if the farmer had someone use a drone instead of hand survey the fields. One thing those who disagree might say is that drones are dangerous and a threat to privacy and peace. However there are many ways that drones can improve society. Like in the agricultural field. There are indeed dangers to people from the production of drones depending on the people who use them for example, trafficking illegal drugs. But if the bad people that use them for harm are simply eradicated. Then all that is left are the advancements to society. That is why, in this paper I will be talking about why drones should be produced and widely used.


The main reason why drones are actually really good for society is because they are very good for the advancement of the agricultural field. Considering this is the field of research that gives us a lot of food. Then advancement in it must be very important. And the drones being created are great for just that! They are especially good for speeding up the process of farming. They are far more efficient than a person walking through and surveying each and every crop. Although I can see why someone might think that this fact may end up reducing jobs. But “Bobby Hutchison is interested in using drones on his farm, but he doesn't want to buy one himself. He hopes the man he hires to walk his fields and observe his crops will invest in a drone to help make the process more accurate and efficient.” Besides there are many other ways that people can earn money for labor. Such as construction. Besides there are many other pluses about drones on farms. The drones can fly through the crop fields while controlled from one spot and take pictures of areas that need attention. This saves time and money because it is just a one time payment. As opposed to hiring someone and paying them monthly or weekly. They can also make it so that farmers can work longer, because they will reduce the amount of movement that the farmers have to make. These drones can even help reduce the amount of destroyed plants. Because they fly, and humans might step on a small plant and waste the time spent planting it.

But the pluses do not stop in just the agricultural field. For they are also a great tool for the government. There are some minimal noise drones that allow recording information very easily. This can help the U.S get some very important information on its enemies. If we could have recorded any discussion of pearl harbor. We could have very well prepared for it.This is especially effective in crime scenes, if there is a place that seems suspicious, but it would be too dangerous to send in a human. Then you can send in a drone to investigate the issue beforehand. For example “ This could lead to countless lives saved from disaster or poor planning.” Even in the field of coast guard. They could be sent out farther than it is possible to see, or higher than possible too see. Even this could protect our country from countless tragedies. However I can see why some might think that this is actually a double edged sword and that other countries could do the same to us. However, This is why we should speed up the process of building these drones, because that drone, might be the one to save hundreds of lives.

Furthermore drones are better than most think they are is because they are pkom9just plain fun. In fact it even says it in the name of an article “drones are fun” Many will agree that they would be very excited to see a drone wrapped up under their christmas tree. They are like a third eye, people can see what places are like without ever even leaving the vicinity of their house. They are also a good way to get exercise. Because whenever a drone does crash, the owner will most likely go faster than the drone was moving, in order to retrieve it. Although many do think that they are dangerous, they are no more dangerous than  a baseball or bike. A loose baseball or uncontrolled bike  are just as likely to hit someone as a drone is. But there are actual regulations for drones. Like that if they are in public they must be within the user’s vision. There are no regulations for bikes or baseballs though. So in a way drones are actually less dangerous because if they are about to lose power the user can bring it back before damage is done. In the end, just like any other toy, the level of how dangerous it is depends on who is using it.

Some people might say that drones are too expensive. However these people are sorely mistaken, drones can even be considered cheap when compared to something like a computer or even a gaming console. Especially in the case of  those in Haiti during Hurricane Matthew who were still waiting for help to arrive weeks after the Hurricane ended. This problem could have been easily avoided had drones been used to gather information on where people were stuck. According to the article “Above the fray: in storm ravaged Haiti, drones help save those stranded” “Faster and a lot cheaper to operate than helicopters, drones are piloted from the ground by Haitians like Jean, 30, who has been working with the devices since 2012.” So it would even cost less to save people, and it would be more efficient than helicopters. Especially since they are smaller, they would be less likely to collide, and you could get more of them in the air. Essentially those who claim that they are too expensive are refusing to compare them to what we currently use.

As you can see the development of drones is a very controversial subject, but their positives outweigh their negatives. And they are a very good way to progress work in the agricultural field, which is one of if not the most important field of work. However I can see why someone might believe that they are a danger, just a new problem for society to deal with, and are a way for bad people to attack the innocent. However these are people who choose not to look on the bright side, which is very important, because if you do not look on the bright side, you will never progress. And that is what drones are; a progressment for society. That is why you should either purchase drones or help in the manufacturing of them.

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