Refugee Crisis | Teen Ink

Refugee Crisis

January 16, 2017
By abm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
abm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think that refugees should not be allowed to enter in because it is dangerous; they could take whatever they want and not pay for it, and they could be tricking others.  Even though refugees are leaving their village to come to a different country or state to get a home, it is still not right.  What if they tried to do something bad to you?  That is why I think we should not let them in, or else they could do many bad things; they maybe could even start a fight.  One of the main reasons why refugees are going out of there village into a new country or state is because they have many rules; they do not have much food or a good place to live or/and they do not have to pay there taxes for things if they sneak into a new country or state, but it is still not right. 

One reason why I think that refugees should not come in is because it is dangerous.  For example, they could start a fight or a war and lots of other things.  “It is a dangerous journey”(Newsela-Being called a refugee could help some central american kids).The main reason why refugees are leaving to come here or to some other place is because they do not have the greatest houses or the best food.  They also do not want to pay their taxes.  For example, if they sneak into a new country or state, others will not know about them, so they will not have to pay their taxes.  This is one of the reasons why it is dangerous for refugees to come in here or some place else.  Even though refugees need a place to live, they could just be tricking us.

Another reason why refugees should not come in is because they could come in and take whatever, without paying for it.  For example, if they sneak into a different state or country and others do not know about it, they could sneak into other places to get things like food or money or other things that they will not have to pay for.  “He left his village in guttingham highlands and began making his way to the U.S.A”(Newsela-Being called a refugee could help some central american kids).This is bad because then refugees will be going all over to steal things.  If they do this they will end up getting lots of things, that are not theirs.  For example, they could just keep on inviting more and more refugees into the state or country and it could be very unsafe.  This is one of the reasons why they should not come in to take whatever and not even have to pay for it.

The last reason why refugees should not come in is because they could be tricking others.  For example, they could be tricking others into helping them get what they want.  “A Washington D.C group that provides legal help for the immigrants”(Newsela-Being called a refugee could help some central american kids).  Which they should really just have to pay for food a house and all that other stuff.  This is bad because they could get whatever.  If they do not pay now they are going to get found later.  For example, if someone wants to see their passport, a card or something, they will not have it, and then get in big trouble.  This is one of the reasons why they should not come in and tricking people into helping them.

I think that refugees should not come in but, I see why they want to come in.  It is because they need a place to live, and food, so even though they want to come in, they still should not because they could do some bad and dangerous things.

I think that refugees should not be allowed to come in to other states or countries because, it is dangerous; they could have things without paying, and they could trick others.  Even though they need a place to live, it could be very dangerous to have refugees in ours or others states or countries.  You never know what could happen, right?  This is why I think refugees should not be allowed to come into other states or countries.

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