Pros and Cons of Gun Control | Teen Ink

Pros and Cons of Gun Control

May 5, 2016
By Anonymous

Do you think guns should be allow for people? Or do you think only police and the governor should have guns? Who/What is responsible for gun violence? Guns are making people die. Our country need to stop all of the gun violence.

Guns are making people die. Our country need to stop all of the gun violence.

I think everyone who own a gun. Why are people killing each other for no reason? There are lots of crazy people everywhere. People want to carry guns around because they don’t feel safe around other people. I get why they carry guns but some people use it as advantage so that’s why people need to take guns away.

People are dying because of guns. Gun massacres most often use legal weapons. So different people from different country are killing people too.” Gun control laws protect children and families.” “ Citing statistics that show nearly eight American are shot and killed every day.” (Mr.McArthur 1)

“Pro gun control advocate believe tougher gun laws could have potentially prevent these crimes.” ” More than 70 mass shootings in the United States in the last 30 years.”    (Mr.McArthur 2) Background checks will help keep guns out of the hands of people who should not had them. Less people would get killed this would help people keep out the streets.  It would change the whole world.

Checks will help people get out the streets and less people would get killed. “ The group says laws requiring background checks have prevented the  purchase of guns by nearly 2 million people who should not have had them. The group says stronger laws are the answer to protecting children. This would help parents kids from dying. They need to make new laws to keep people safe.(Mr.McArthur 3)

People would think we should have more guns to protect ourselves because we don’t feel safe. That’s true but, people get out of hand and kill people for no reason, they kill people just cause.  They need to think ahead of time to think about others. Carrying a gun is safe but shooting isn’t.

“ While many people have decidedly formed opinions on gun control, the debate is complicated and has strong supporters on both sides. The pros and cons of gun control come to the forefront of debate in the wake of mass shootings that continue to pop up throughout the nation. (Mr.McArthur 4)

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