Syrian Refugees | Teen Ink

Syrian Refugees

December 14, 2015
By MaiaRain BRONZE, Germany, Other
MaiaRain BRONZE, Germany, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All over the world people have been discussing what we should do with the refugees from Syria.  Several states are saying they will not let in any more refugees due to safety reasons as well as over population. Although there are a lot of countries rejecting the Syrians, we still have a few accepting them. After looking into the pros and cons of letting more refugees in, I feel the right thing to do would be to keep taking them in.
Since March, 2011 this has been a major issue. Over 12 million Syrians have fled their homes to try and find refuge somewhere safe.  The conditions of Syria are critical; thousands have taken to the streets after losing their houses. The violence has become huge and over 200,000 have been murdered during the four and a half year Syrian civil war (Syrian Refugees). There are 1.9 million Syrians in Turkey, 25,000 in Iraq, .1.1 million in Lebanon, and 80,000 in Za’atari. As well as Germany taking in close to 1 million refugees while the United States has taken 2290 (What you need to know).
Some people, including me, believe the United States should let more Syrian refugees in for several reasons. Starting off the United States has taken very few refugees compared to other countries. Another reason is that we are playing right into the hands of the enemies. They want us to be living in fear and that’s exactly what we are doing. By letting fear take us over we are letting the enemies win. Something else to mention is that back in 2011 the United States supplied the moderate rebels, with supplies, and training. On September 22, 2014 the United States and many other countries began to strike targets of the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant inside Syria (Wikipedia). One of the reasons people do not want to let them in is because they are afraid a terrorist will get in disguised as a refugee. Not only are the chances of that happening very slim, but the United States has an extremely strict security system. It takes up to two years to fully research and approve Syrian refugees before letting them in (six reasons).
Some other people believe we should not let more Syrian refugees into the United States.Since the United States is already over populated, bringing more refugees would only add to that problem. Another huge problem is that we have American people with no homes and/or jobs as well as starving children and our own political problems within the states. “How are we supposed to take care of the refugees when we can’t even take care of our own people?” (Syrian refugees not welcome),  another thing people are worried about is a member of ISIS getting in, disguising themselves as a refugee and bombing the United States. I can see why that would be a worry among the people but do we not trust our own security system? The last issue I found with letting them in would be that taxes would go up and people might lose their jobs or get demoted.
In the end I still feel it would be best to let them in. They have been suffering for many years and the majority of them are harmless. There are many children, with no education system and many who have lost their families or parents. These people have been living in critical conditions. Imagine waking up to dead bodies all around you and the sound of bombs, or living on the streets with no food or shelter.  Over 3,200 Syrians have perished this year, from disease, starvation and other causes like that. How can we leave these human beings to suffer, knowing there is a way we could help them?

The author's comments:

I have extremly strong feelings about this situation and I would love for my report to get out there for other people to see. 

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