Police Brutality | Teen Ink

Police Brutality

April 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Recently, the police have been under a lot of scrutiny. A large spotlight has been on the police, as people have started to closely watch what the police are doing. More and more riots have been occurring, which has really tested the officers. They have struggled to contain these riots, so in turn the police have acted more aggressively. As social media continues to grow, more videos are being released of the police harassing citizens for seemingly no reason. Some of these videos have shown officers shooting citizens for what looks like a petty crime or nothing at all. I know that being a police officer must be both physically and mentally difficult, but these actions are inexcusable. I do feel sorry for the police as they have an extremely difficult job, and I don’t know what I would do if I was in their situation. But they knew what they were going to have to go through when they became an officer. Hopefully this issue gets resolved sooner rather than later. However I feel it could get a lot worse before it gets better.

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