Inaction of the World | Teen Ink

Inaction of the World

January 12, 2015
By kevin lynch BRONZE, Escondido, California
kevin lynch BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In todays world there are many different events that are happening everyday some good some are bad, but when a bad event becomes major it affects not just the people involve it can even affect the world. One problem can affect the world can shock anyone, but did it have to could it maybe have been stop before it got worse. Counties who have a crises on their hands sometimes ask for help and sometimes they get the help they need and sometimes they don't.

Inaction is one of the most unnecessary in the world causes for inaction fallow as scared, don't want or care or even don’t get anything out of it. The smallest for of it is when someone doesn't do the right thing the largest version is when a country does not do anything about catastrophes. The will always point out the bad things in the world, but how much of those are really being fix and will they get worse. Yes there are other factors that may play role in the prevention of aid to other such money or have their own problem, but this doesn't excuse countries who can help out.
Everyone can benefit from helping each other without have to think about what they get in return problems only get worse if nothing is done to fix them. If we help each other people can become more happy and can even live more stable and better lives.

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