Land of Choice | Teen Ink

Land of Choice

November 10, 2014
By Josh Lohnes SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Josh Lohnes SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Choice is a wonderful freedom and privilege to have. Many in this world have no say in their life, but here in America all we have are options. I can determine which time to wake up, what I want to eat for breakfast, which car I want to drive to school, and which route I want to take. These are just the beginning, as these are everyday decisions with very little impact. In the first 15 minutes of my day, I have already made more choices than many are able to.

In America, I am free to dictate what my identity will be, what type of person I will be, what my future will look like, and how I will live my life. The opportunities that this land offers are infinite, and yet so many times I forget that fact. I start living inside my own little world where my actions are trivial and I make no decisions of importance. Then I remember that my freedom had a price, and I have a responsibility to make the choices that I was graciously given. The ability to direct my life was not earned overnight.  It was won by innumerable brave souls who made the choice to fight for freedom.

This is why I am proud to be American.

Not because of the opportunities themselves, but the fact that I am free to fight for what I believe in. I don’t have to live for another man or myself, but I am free to do good and fight forcothers. This is a land of opportunities and choices, and I won’t waste them.

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