Stricter Laws for No Reason | Teen Ink

Stricter Laws for No Reason

February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Stricter laws for no reason

People kill people, guns dont kill people. The government does not need to make gun control laws stricter, they need to fix how they deal with the problems. I will be telling you about myths that people make up, new technology that can help, and routines that stores should go through.

The first and most common myth is “ Guns are only used for killing”. 35,000 gun deaths every year compared to 2.5 million good Americans that protect themselves and/or their families. Out of the 2.5 million 0.5 million have saved lives. Also for every gun death there are 65 lives saved by a gun. Myth number two says “ Guns are dangerous when used for protection”. The U.S Bureau of Justice Statistics states that guns are the safest means of protection and using is better than nothing at all and results in fewer injuries. The third myth is “ Guns cause violence” For over twenty years it has been illegal for teens to buy guns and, despite such gun control, the African American teenage male homicide rate in Washington, DC is 227 per 100,000 - 20 times the US average! The US group for whom legal gun ownership has the highest prevalence, middle-aged white men, has a homicide rate of less than 7 per 100,000 - about half of the US average. If the "guns-cause-violence theory is correct why does Virginia, the alleged "easy purchase source of all those illegal Washington, DC guns, have a murder rate of 9.3 per 100,000, one- ninth of DC's overall homicide rate of 80.6? Why are homicide rates lowest in states with loose gun control (North Dakota 1.1, Maine 1.2, South Dakota 1.7, Idaho 1.8, Iowa 2.0, Montana 2.6) and highest in states and the district with draconian gun controls and bans (District of Columbia 80.6, New York 14.2, California 12.7, Illinois 11.3, Maryland 11.7)?The "guns- cause-violence and "guns exacerbate violence theories founder. Again, the causes of inner city violence are family disruption, media violence, and abject poverty, not gun ownership.

New technology can help gun violence in many different ways, one way is the “James Bond gun”. Several of the innovators who are working on the new technology were personally touched by gun violence. Carmen Lobis, who is working on a biometric lock for long guns, is the grandfather of Benjamin Wheeler, one of the students killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. You would think that Carmen would say “We need stricter gun laws!”. No, Carmen is not whining about it he is trying to make a difference so that what happened to his grandson won’t happen ever again. So, the “James Bond gun” will only turn the safety off if the person who owns the gun, their fingerprint is read by the a sensor on the handle of the gun. That would make it harder for criminals to just go steal a gun and kill someone with it because they would need your fingerprint.

Routines that stores should go through to help the law enforcement if a crime has occurred are: background checks, keeping records, and photo i.d. Background checks can be very important when someone is trying to buy a gun because if they have a criminal background of doing bad things you might not sell them the gun or have the authorities watch it closely. Keeping records is also very important because you have their name, address, phone number, and their other information that they have. Those things would come in hand if there was a crime that took place. Finally, photo i.d. Photo i.d is very useful to know what a persons face looks like so, if there was a crime caught on camera and in was in a certain area you take all of the peoples pictures that have bought guns and see if one of them are the perpetrator.

Myths, new technology, and routines are the three reasons why the government shouldn't make gun control laws stricter. Why make laws for good people stricter over working harder to catch the “bad guys”. Because once again, guns dont kill people, people kill people.

The author's comments:
This piece means a lot to me because I own a gun and im not a bad person.

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