Questions on Gun Names | Teen Ink

Questions on Gun Names

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Why are grenade launchers called grenade launchers because there are assault rifles, heavy machine guns, howitzers, pistols, but then they come up with Grenade Launcher. The blandest name of all weapon names. There is only one other gun that is named after the ammunition that it uses. I mean, who names a gun grenade launcher it doesn’t make sense. Did they just have a brain fart and come up with a very dull name for it?

Thinking about it, who came up with the name assault rifle, grenade, machine gun, cannon, c-4, c-5, and pistol? They are completely random names that have nothing to do with scientific names that are given to everything. I’m pretty sure that if they had a scientific name… they wouldn’t be called that.

I guess rocket launchers are the same way but you actually cower away from someone with a rocket launcher. When someone has a grenade launcher I’m like “Oh no, I am so scared. Whatever shall I do?” But when someone has a rocket launcher I get out like someone is trying to set up c-4 and just announced that they were almost done!

A few other names that don’t make sense are the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, and the nuclear bomb. Mostly because they already had a bomb why did they have to put atomic, hydrogen, and nuclear before it? Clearly they couldn’t come up with an original name for bombs. It’s like saying nuclear fart! It’s still a fart.

I wonder if people actually feel an accomplishment when they get a title saying they know how to shoot that particular gun… very well.

With all these weird names I wonder how we came up with the English language because from what I’ve learned in World Language and Cultures class, we had taken a bunch of words from a ton of other languages. Like alcohol, it is from Arabic.

I know that people got most of it from the British-English language because technically we are a dialect of “proper English” with a lot of words that came from other languages.

How do people know numbers between languages? Like in Social Studies there is a language that has their numbers after their subject. So it would be like, Apple 1. Instead of 1 apple.

The author's comments:
This was written for a class.

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