The Big Stem Cell Debate | Teen Ink

The Big Stem Cell Debate

February 21, 2013
By Duggie_Clarkson BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Duggie_Clarkson BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
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The stem cell debate has been growing in supporters and opposition over the past few years. The question is simple. Does life begin at birth? Or does life begin when the female egg is fertilized? At first glance this looks like a choice debate and, in a way, it is. Stem cell research, specifically embryonic stem cell research, is performed by taking the stem cells from a human embryo. In order for the stem cells to be taken, the embryo must be destroyed.

Stem cell research is divided into three major categories: Adult Stem Cells, Cloned Stem Cells, and Embryonic Stem Cells. Adult stem cells are taken from an adult body. Embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos. Cloned stem cells are manipulated to reproduce at a ludicrous rate. The debate is really only centered around embryonic research. Cloned stem cells are often regarded as being immoral. Adult stem cells really don’t have too much controversy surrounding them other than the fact that they have a great amount of power if used correctly. These facts are all good, but is stem cell research okay? To answer this question, we need to see why people are against the research. Many people don’t like the idea of embryonic stem cell research because it involves destroying a human embryo. Supporters claim that embryonic stem cells have more potential than adult stem cells. This would be a perfectly valid point if this were a true statement. Statistics have shown that adult stem cells have just as much or even more potential in curing diseases as embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells were actually found as an alternative for embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells had too much controversy surrounding them and thus an alternative was needed. This seems like a very simple solution to a very big problem. The biggest problem with adult stem cells is the limitations. Although adult stem cells are very useful, they cannot treat everything. Adult stem cells have regrown damaged heart tissue cause by strokes and even retinal cell located in the eye. This leaves that last type of stem cells, cloned stem cells. Cloned stem cells are sometimes debated about and are very interesting. The main argument against cloned stem cells is that constantly re-growing the same cell is like playing god. Another argument is that cloned stem cells could be used for a process called “organ farming.” Organ farming involves making more and more stem cells just for the organs. The organs are then sold for a profit.

Adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells alike can be used to treat different diseases such as Diabetes, Parkinson’s, and even some types of cancer. The most common use for adult stem cells is bone marrow transplantations that can treat specific types of cancer. The most common type of embryonic stem cell usage is actually with mouse embryos. Mice have embryos that are not unlike those of humans. These mice can be modified in a way that creates a long string of mice that act like models for human disease and can be used to investigate such diseases.

As can be seen, both adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells have their place in research. While many claim that embryonic research is unethical, the amazing uses cannot be shot off as being useless. Adult stem cells are great alternatives to embryonic stem cells and have the potential to grow into something great in the very near future. From repairing damaged heart tissue to treating different types of cancer, stem cells will always have their place in today’s growing world.

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for school yo

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on Feb. 28 2013 at 5:09 pm
Jshapert BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Best paper I have ever read, Duggie Clarkson