Seven Most Positive Things in the World Part II | Teen Ink

Seven Most Positive Things in the World Part II

August 8, 2010
By Physics981 PLATINUM, York, Pennsylvania
Physics981 PLATINUM, York, Pennsylvania
38 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failures help one grow as a person.

The Internet
Living in the digital age, the Internet has become an integral part of many aspects of daily life. On this list, it is ranked as the fourth ‘most positive thing’ in the world due to its many applications that provide life with convenience, ample information, and ease of access. The Internet is the overall network that contains many other wireless networks to provide information access, communication, and other applications. The Internet is regarded as the largest information base in the world. In a matter of seconds, anyone with Internet access has the power to learn almost anything. The Internet creates an environment where seeking information is easy, convenient, and somewhat accurate. For instance, before the age of the Internet, researches had to be done in the library, which could take days. However, nowadays, researches can be done right at home in a matter of seconds, as this research paper is done. Search engines on the Internet such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL, and Wikipedia allow users to quickly find the information they need. The Internet also makes communication more accessible. Many communication networks have been introduced to allow users connect with people they know from all over the world. These networks make the world a smaller place because they allow people to communicate with each other without regards to geographical location in a matter of seconds. Professionals can exchange information across the globe without ever leaving their offices. Businesses can deliver mails more quickly and cheaply. Even though these networks are not without repercussions and danger, they do serve to bring communities together, creating an atmosphere where people can quickly and easily communicate with others. Over 90% of Internet users send and receive at least one email per day. In addition to searching information and communication, the Internet also provides many users instant updates of current events daily. It makes people who have Internet more globally aware of current crises and events around the world.
Besides social and professional impacts of the Internet, it also has major influences over the economy. The Internet creates many new jobs that could not exist before. Many businesses are now heavily relying on the applications of the Internet. For instance, the Internet is a base for online shopping. Many stores are based completely on the Internet such EBay, Amazon, and Alibris. In addition to this, many other jobs are created as a result of the introduction of the Internet. Web page designers, paid bloggers, and other jobs are now available because of the Internet. The Internet has provided more than 650,000 people with a job. Revenues of many businesses are increased by millions of dollars because of the Internet. For instance, the annual revenues of Verizon have increased to more than $4.1 billion, and employment has increased to more than 11,000 people. In addition to this, phone services are now more accessible in developing countries, bringing the services to more than 300 million homes. Money transfer is also easier; about $2 trillion have been transferred from richer regions to poorer regions. The impacts of the Internet are so evident that it becomes unnecessary to describe all aspects of influence. In all, the Internet has major positive effects on social, economic, and professional matters around the world. Therefore, it is ranked as the fourth ‘most positive thing’ in the world.
Free Education
The competitive nature of the current global society forced many people to obtain a decent education to be successful. However, in many countries, obtaining an education could be a difficulty due to financial constraints. No one should be denied a chance to succeed based solely on the basis of finance though. Because of that, free education should be greatly valued because it gives children, and adults, an opportunity to build a strong foundation for their future. Free education is viewed as the ‘fifth most positive thing’ in the world.
Education is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life. Education prepares one for his or her future. One learns many important concepts and skills that could be directly applied in real life situations in school that help improve the quality of life. It is a proven fact that people with higher education have higher chances of employment. In addition, higher-education occupations usually have higher salaries. For instance, people who have higher than secondary education earns more than 50% of those who have an education lower than secondary education. Education also has many social impacts. For instance, in Africa, the low literacy rate is one of the prominent causes of HIV transmission. The correlation between education and HIV/AIDS transmission exists due to the nature of HIV transmission. People who are educated understand the risks associated with unprotected sex and are, consequently, more careful in such conducts. The importance of education reaches beyond concrete ideas. Education brings many benefits to people. It is proven that poverty rates for families with lower education are more than 15% of those with higher education. As for health, people who are more educated understand the limitation and importance of a healthy body. People who have a college education are roughly 20% more healthy than those who do not. There are many other social benefits of education. Because of that, education should be provided to everyone without regards to financial difficulty. Countries that could afford to provide free primary and secondary education are praised as the fifth ‘most positive thing’ on this list. Even though not all countries are able to provide free primary and secondary education, there are many that could. There are about 10 countries in Europe that provide free education. In addition to this, many other countries are stepping towards free education. India, Argentina, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland all have free primary and secondary education. African countries are now moving towards free education, even though many are not there yet. Despite the development still needed in free education around the world, countries with free education are a ‘positive thing’ because free education equally provides people with opportunities to succeed.
Peace Organizations
Peace organizations are ranked as the sixth ‘most positive thing’ in the world because they help resolve difficult conflicts and promote peace for all. Amidst the conflicts around the world, peace organizations are extremely necessary to help improve the quality of life by advocating diplomacy. These organizations help areas of conflict reaching an end by providing a bridge where the opposing sides of the conflicts can negotiate. Currently, there are many areas of conflict that need the assistance of peace organizations to help ease the tension and reach an agreement. In Kashmir, the tensions between India and Pakistan still exist. The two countries are still in a struggle for the land of Kashmir. The Arab-Israeli Conflict is a major issue in the Middle East that causes continued violence and deaths. The conflict between Hutus and Tutsis in Africa also requires external assistance to help lead the groups to peaceful coexistence. Thankfully, there are many international organizations that aim to help resolve these conflicts. For instance, the International Crisis Group, founded in 1995, has been attempting to establish peace all over the world. It has been involved in over 60 conflicts in an effort to reach a resolution. It also puts towards a budget of $15.5 million for diplomatic deeds. Another example is the International Peace Institute. The International Peace Institute is an organization that initiates many research programs and peace-building effort across the globe. It has a program for Africa, one for Asia, and another one for the Middle East. In each region, the International Peace Institute conducts research to understand the nature of the conflicts and try to find appropriate solutions for them. These are just two examples of peace organizations. Others are the International Arbitration and Peace Association, the International Campaign to ban Landmines, and the International Commission on Peace and Food. It is impossible to name all organizations and their accomplishments as there are too many active to solve international crises. However, the importance of their work is valued because it helps the global community reaching diplomacy. Therefore, it is ranked as the sixth ‘the most positive thing’ in the world.
Environmental Protection
The demands of the current global community place detrimental effects on the environment. The industrial world damages the purity of nature, causing many disruptions to environmental balance. Atmospheric and hydrospheric pollution, ozone destruction, and global warming all are examples of the consequences of mistreating nature. The actions of human create many damages to nature that directly affect people everywhere. China and the US combined released about 10,000,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.CO2 emissions are one of the causes of global warming because CO2 molecules trap incoming heat from the sun to warm up the surface of the Earth. As years progress, people become more aware of the impacts of environmental disasters. Now, many individuals and organizations are exerting effort towards environmental protection. With these advocates, the environmental problems of the world can be appropriately combatted. Thus, environmental protection is placed as the seventh ‘most positive thing’ in the world. For example, to combat air pollution, the US has reduced its toxic chemical emissions by more than 50 million metric tons in the period of 40 years. Cars are redesigned to equip with environmental safety features to release less toxic chemicals. Today’s automobiles release as little as 5% of the toxic wastes of older models. Another environmental issue is the energy shortage. Petroleum products are going to run out in the near future. However, scientists around the world are vigorously working to find appropriate solutions to this challenge. Many propose hydrogen fuel. Others lean towards solar energy. There are also those who propose wind power. These energy alternatives are clean solutions to petroleum sources. These sources can help reduce air pollution greatly because their wastes are non-toxic. In 1996, 134 nations have agreed to negotiate on CO2 emission reductions, attempting to provide a cleaner environment for all. One example of how detrimental example issues are to lives is the fact that CO2 emission is one of the major causes of premature deaths. Because environmental issues are negatively affecting everyone’s life, environmental protection is greatly appreciated and is placed last on this list.

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