Life In Pandemic | Teen Ink

Life In Pandemic

May 15, 2021
By xdikshaa BRONZE, Mohali, Other
xdikshaa BRONZE, Mohali, Other
1 article 4 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Work for a cause, not applause, live life to express! not to impress"
follow me on Instagram _i_shineeeee

The world is going through a pandemic, everyone is stuck in their houses. Many countries have recovered from god's blessings, but I am with many others stuck in the four walls of my room! I am a student and to be honest, not understanding the seriousness of the problem the first few weeks of the lockdown went well! I felt like a free bird, no schools, no homework, no nothing!! I thought now I could do whatever I wanted, so I did! I watched movies, I drew many things, etc etc. Now things started to change, cases in my country were raising, and slowly - slowly we were going towards the lockdown (I am quite sure this word is the word which nobody wants to hear now, personally it gives me chills) many neighboring countries were already facing the worst! and we all entered the lockdown. It was kinda fine though (in the beginning) because nobody knew how long is it going to last. Now it is more than a year and a half and we are still in lockdown seeing no hope at all! but still, we have warmth in our hearts that says "soon or later everything will be fine and good". Now there are no movies left to watch, nothing seems interesting at all, and those pathetic online classes, better not talk about it. They have just changed the environment of studies. People are dying, many starving, homeless and there is nothing we can do, just nothing other than hoping for good and staying at home! I don't know when this will end but hope lives! Don't feel lonely, don't be depressed! Lay your trust in God, GOOD TIMES ARE YET TO COME !!!!!!!

The author's comments:

I wrote my personal experience in the pandemic. I just wanted to tell everyone that everything is going to be fine just wait!!!!!

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This article has 1 comment.

oliviaxx said...
on May. 20 2021 at 7:54 am
oliviaxx, Chd, Other
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
good !!