Freedom of Speech | Teen Ink

Freedom of Speech

November 13, 2018
By skittleboy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
skittleboy SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Day 131 (April 11, 1945):  Buchenwald. He marched into this camp and saw these people. They were like sticks. He didn’t know what to say to them. Then he realized this was the reason why I was here. I hope this is the only camp like this. A realization happened to my grandfather when he marched in to Buchenwald he realized what it looked like for people be compltly striped of every right they ever had. To this day I am thankful for what they have done to protect our freedoms that we take for granted everyday, To have the ability to speak out against the government when we feel something is wrong is one of the best rights we have and for that reason I believe that our freedom of speech is so important to me.

The reason that my uncle fights is to bring peace to those who are oppressed of their basic rights, Says my uncle who is in his sixth tour of Iraq, These men fight for our right to our basic freedoms that we take for granted. The ability that we have to speak out against those in power when we feel something isn’t right. It's a blessing and that we take for granted everyday. I am thankful for the right of freedom of speech that we have. That many long to have.

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