Beware of Constant Cell Phone Use | Teen Ink

Beware of Constant Cell Phone Use

April 29, 2014
By Anonymous

Beware of Constant Cell Phone Use

Smart phones and other devices rule our modern society. These devices travel everywhere with the owners from sunrise to dusk, either in direct head range or somewhere on the person. “The type of radiation coming out of a cell phone is called non-ionizing. It is not like an X-ray, but more like a very low-powered microwave oven.
What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain."(Dellorto, Danielle "Cell Phones May Be Carcinogenic Hazards") There have been studies however that prove inconclusive and repute any harm or cancer caused by cell phone usage. I know that wherever I go, I carry my cellphone and that scares me to think that one day I will develop a serious problem due to past cellphone usage. I think I speak along with many others that are also a little scared, but curious about the effects of long term use and contact with cellphones.

The reason we all should care about this impending danger?
This video shows the clear danger of making calls and using cell phones constantly. The one phone call made in the video was twenty-nine thousand times the microwatt per square meter limit that can cause damage. In that one phone call alone a person could be doing serious damage to their brain. Even when not making a call you can be at risk of exposing yourself to radiation. This is because every few minutes your cell phone sends out a signal to the nearest cell tower. Keeping your phone in your pocket or hip area can lead to fertility problems for females and males. I think this should be more than enough to make anybody who has a phone worried and anxious to know more about what danger they have been exposing themselves to.

Across the globe, six billion people have access to a cellular phone. All these people constantly carrying their phones and making calls without being aware of the damage they are doing to their bodies. The constant radiation coming from your phone is just seeping into your body and you are allowing it to do so! What can we do? Is it really too late to stop this inevitable fate of getting killed from this radiation? Some say yes because the industries will never stop making phones and expanding smart device technology, but I say there is a chance we can moderate these exposures.

RF Safe Cases for cell phones are the safe way to protect yourself from exposure as much as you can. Many people already spend over forty dollars on some stupid huge protective phone case, so you might as well go spend forty more on an RF Safe case to protect yourself from brain cancer and loss of fertility! I know that I myself am terrified of the effects knowing that I have been in constant contact with this radiation-leaking device for a year now. I will be purchasing an RF Case as soon as possible in the idea that I will be preventing myself from radiation exposure I have been exposing myself to without even knowing.

“No Definite Evidence Ties Cell Phone Radiation to Brain Cancer” (National Cancer Institute. "No Definitive Evidence Ties Cell Phone Radiation to Brain Cancer." At Issue: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?. Ed. Clay Farris Naff. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013.) This article touches base on the idea that cell phone usage is not as harmful as it is made out to be. The evidence is apparently not strong enough to declare that cell phones can be a cause to brain cancer. “The American Cancer Society (ACS) states that the IARC classification means that there could be some risk associated with cancer, but the evidence is not strong enough to be considered causal and needs to be investigated further. Individuals who are concerned about radiofrequency exposure can limit their exposure, including using an ear piece and limiting cell phone use, particularly among children.”(National Cancer Institute. "No Definitive Evidence Ties Cell Phone Radiation to Brain Cancer." At Issue: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?. Ed. Clay Farris Naff. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013.)

The facts are there, but think about how much time that you spend on your phone. I know that I am going to start being more aware of my radiation exposure, but others may feel it is not important enough. With 6 billion cell phone users walking this earth, how many of them will develop future conditions due to the constant cell phone use of today’s society?

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