What Patriotism Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Patriotism Means to Me

March 19, 2014
By Lachristian BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
Lachristian BRONZE, Alum Creek, West Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Patriotism is much more than a word stuffed inside a dictionary, it’s a lifestyle, a way we show pride in our country. No matter what country or place it is, patriotism is sure to be found. Without this integral piece of the puzzle, countries and the people in them would not be able to function, and would instead collapse without the support of its fellow citizens.

In my opinion, patriotism may mean freedom. Freedom presents the acceptability to be whoever you want, and hopefully, without being under the harsh judgment of people around you. The word patriotism may show this, because when you live in a country with a numerous amount of rights, you may feel the need to have pride in that country.

Countries with citizens that observe the practice of patriotism often have many rights that allow them to express themselves in their own individual way. Take the United States for example. One of their many rights is the freedom of speech, meaning they are permitted to say whatever they feel is right. Without certain rights such as these, people are not able to do things that they would normally do without the heavy pressure of freedom-restricting laws, subsequently leading to a negative feeling against their country in their own hearts and minds.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are the wise words of the founding fathers of America. Their blood was used as the ink to write the very document that ensured the safety and freedom we appreciate today in our nation. Patriotism has been around ever since the first settlement was established on the very soil of our country, for they loved the new world, and everything that went along with it. Many a time have people faltered in their belief of their country’s stability in keeping its promises, but it always ends up being alright if people pull together and restore faith to the lost hope. That is what patriotism means to me, it is not the fancy politicians in their nicely kept suits, or the wonderful attributes and accessories that our country has, but it is the rights and the freedom that stands out to me in this cynical world that we live in.

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