225,000,000 Years | Teen Ink

225,000,000 Years

February 11, 2014
By Angel Nguyen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Angel Nguyen BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Rachel Bird in her article "225,000,000 Years." What we do as human beings such as what we think of others or how we think we look doesn't matter. There are two things in life that should matter. One is those that we are close to such as your family because they will always do anything in their will to protect you and push you forward to success. And making every last minute, second, and breath count with them. And the second one is doing what you love because that is the best feeling in the world is to do the things you love in life. If people try to bring you down, you should keep in mind that their words are nothing but wasted air and that shouldn't matter. As long as you are getting to cherish your only valuable life you have on this Earth and you are getting to do what you love, in the end that's all that should really matter. Like Rachel Bird said "nothing matters. And because of that, every moment matters."

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