Still Going to Believe | Teen Ink

Still Going to Believe

November 21, 2013
By tayfon21 SILVER, Williston, Vermont
tayfon21 SILVER, Williston, Vermont
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes things have to get ugly before it gets pretty" -Shae Mitchell

I’m told there was once a day when people didn’t care about what they did, when speaking your mind and holding firm to your beliefs was congratulated and not condemned. That day is gone. I praise the people who can stick to who they are, instead of being who the world and everyone else wants them to be. The world has come to society telling the younger age that they have to be perfect to fit in. They have to have the “up to date” electronics, fashion, etc. It’s hard to be who you want when all these factors are playing in. Like everyone else, I want to succeed. I want to grow up and be happy. I want a family, a nice house, a good job, and a life that I can be proud of. But the world today makes it feel impossible to achieve. We all dream of the day all our dreams come true; but because of society, I don’t feel all my dreams, or even any of my dreams, will. But I’m still going to believe.

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