apple lover | Teen Ink

apple lover

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

i love apples so much that it is carazy. im eating an apple right now. once in school i ate apples every day from the cafeteria and when i went to the dentist, she told me that i had to stop because my teeth were being destroyed from the acid in the apples. but don't worry, my teeth are flawless. mostly thanks to my mom because she doesn't let me chew gum or drink soda or drink energy drinks. even tho sometimes i did chew gum and drink soda without her knowing. shhhh! i dont do the energy drinks though. my friend once let me taste some of her monster( a kind of energy drink)and it tasted better than i expected . just like soda, only fizzier. i really do have a great mom. i love her and it would kill me if she wasn't around anymore, but boy is she annoying. do this and do that every day. she is completely unreasonable sometimes. like once i was working on a project for my creative writing class and she had to go do laundry with my brother and sister. it was like 8:00 and i still had lots to do...shes whining that she wants me to help her hang the clothes around the house to dry. im like seriously i cant because i have school tomorrow and i need to finish this and shes like if you don't get your a** over here. i did with a big attitude and then got sent to my room where i could happily finish my work...i still had to hang up AND fold the clothes though. my sister is the most greediest thing in the world. not the kind of greedy where she wants everything to herself. the kind where she wants to swallow the whole d*m* refrigerator. when she comes home from school shes like ally can i have some crackers and im like sure... ally can i have some can i have some strawberries... ally can i have some can i have some spaghetti... ally can i have some pickles.. until there is nothing left in the house to eat. she really odeys on the cereal though. one day my mom will buy some fruity pebbles and then the next day the cereal is gone. i love my sister though. shes sweet and a little annoying but what sibling isnt. she is six and has i twin brother that i cant stand but also love. and i also have a 3 year old sister. thats all i have to say. just writing my sweet sweet thoughts.;)

The author's comments:
these are just my thoughts. i happened to be eating an apple which lead to the dentist which led to my mom not letting me eat unhealthy foods which led to my mom being unreasonable and making me fold the clothes which led to my sister being a greedy little piglet which led to me telling you about the rest of my family. THE END!

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